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Covid-19 Prepared?

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so you are trying to say Google/Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/Twitter haven’t openly said they are censoring covid content not aligned with their views   Really ??




asking someone to find stuff that has been censored off the internet by using the internet to back up their claim … lol 


I switched to DuckDuckGo to get stuff not directly aligned Jeff Bezos governments official world view. 


Edited by bananahamuck
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51 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:

Kids dont need the vaccines either since it never moves beyond the upper respiratory system for them. Alpha and Delta was like Omicron is now for adults. 


Pressing the risk of damage to the smooth muscle tissue is stupid and its not an immediate risk. There is speculation that this tech can and will cause smooth muscle tissue damage later in life as well. 


Dav fuck your vaccine cult bullshit and defense of this. They're not safe at all. I don't give a fuck what percentage numbers there are. If one person dies from something then the activity is NOT safe. It is to be used with user risk assessment. All vaccines come with dangers and that is why parents are the ones who decide what's best for their children.


"Mostly safe." just like "Mostly peaceful."  Word dressing doesn't make shit safe.


yes , exactly Mr. Dude 






 Just a reminder if some out there don’t know,,   My youngest ( identical twins) are as fragile of human beings that have ever been born on the planet..   Since they are adults ( funny taking them to tavern as they are still very much childlike but can legally eat at bar). ,, we are legal guardians now so kinda at governments mercy with no recourse as why they can probably take them away now if not following whatever horseshit ..  






  Wife took them to Tacoma at one of those large “ drive thru” events in , April or May I’m thinkin,, to get maybe them vaccinated  with the Trump cure , lol ,  


   long story short the head of the Pierce county health dept , that was there that day overseeing ,, was unsure if they could be safely vaccinated.


Small rant

  Guardianship ,,  funny how the government makes you pay a relatively high legal bill to take your title as parents away from you .. 




lol , If it wasn’t so sad 



Edited by bananahamuck
Edited for Betty White as she is was beloved old Piece of ass
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16 minutes ago, Dav said:

Ya, you report your bullshit and I’ll report mine.


As you can tell, asking me, demanding that I stop, insulting me, don wok. Keep trying tho.🐒💩


I personally have never once asked or told you to stop ,, so there’s that 

But that ain’t going to stop you from climbing up on the cross as most mask/vaccine shamers do 


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Sounds like a bird. Masked Screacher.



1 hour ago, bananahamuck said:



Unfortunately people die in their sleep for a myriad of reasons. Some die after recently climbing to tree forts. So should tree forts be banned? When the CDC examines this and finds it was akin to SIDS will it get the same coverage this news clip has already got???? No because it has scare value and shouldn't have been mentioned till the investigation is over. The prejudicial damage is already done. You can't unring that bell. I ignore shit like this.



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42 minutes ago, Dav said:

Ya, you report your bullshit and I’ll report mine.


Yes. Bullshit. Well maybe not complete bullshit just the ends of the spectrum. Not one 'fact' is actually a provable fact. They can only be assigned a probability rating of true/false and mistakenly true/false while sitting at home. Personal experiences are true for the person experiencing it but telling someone who wasn't there initiates the true/false probability rating. It's all hair covered lumps fished out of the internet cesspool washed off and decided on if you agree with. As in computer data..... GIGO

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  Are placing your child in a tree forts mandated by the government?? 

and you say you skipped over, lol, I guess so .. cuz the kid was 13 .. which  normally would be considered Well above the age of a SIDS death . 😂




Honestly I don’t care if anyone reads what I post . But I do like to argue ,, literally about anything. 


like it’s been said in past Ratsun  is like a couple of group of assholes standing in garage debating who’s standing closer to fridge and has to get beer for everyone. 








Edited by bananahamuck
You think White people feel pain of killing their children with sugary soft drinks ??
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I had to take a pre employment drug test where the lab was located at a clinic that also sees covid patients. The place was packed and I asked if there was a less crowded time of the day and was told there was a line waiting to get in at 0700 every morning and it wasn't going to get any better. They had the waiting room divided for sick and non sick. I got over to the nonsick side as far as I could go. The people there looked like mice dropped in a snake cage as the other side hacked and coughed. The sick side started overflowing because of an endless line of the walking dead kept entering the building. As soon as my name was called I held my breathe until I got to the lab. I should have bolted when I first got there but need to get test over with. After relaying this experience to the Wife she said I should quarantine myself. I was happy! Made sure the Ketch was stocked with grub, beer, rum and mixers. Brought my sailing dingy and kayak and I am happily anchored in the Cayo Costa state anchorage park quarantining. Time to do a little fishing. Later.


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That was intended for a different asshole, not you. Last post previous page.


I’ve not posted anything about masks - so there’s that too.


Perception is funny. You might think calling my straight up reposts from mainstream media as being shrill, but they really have no emotion in them, as I’m a sociopath. Also means I don’t care what others post (have you been diagnosed too?). Most posts are intended as humorous (to me) arguments to counter at least some the bullshit.


See, no emotion.

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I un-ignored the tick for a post or two and am kind of shocked how weak minded some people can be.Damn the media and the government have really messed some people up.Just follow along with the program to eliminate Covid,the program that in reality hasn't stopped a damn thing but is wrecking the mental health of so many.When you have this problem you definitely need to stay away from the news and even the internet.It's more dangerous than the virus itself.

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2 hours ago, thisismatt said:

No, people I've been around needed to know for sure and since the home test wasn't clear...

No offense Matt and sorry to hear you are sick again but I remember you saying getting natural antibodies was superior to the vaccine. That may still be true but you getting it a second time confirmed in a few months means this shit isn't going to end. Hope you feel better and the rest of your family dodges it this time.

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1 minute ago, bottomwatcher said:

No offense Matt and sorry to hear you are sick again but I remember you saying getting natural antibodies was superior to the vaccine. That may still be true but you getting it a second time confirmed in a few months means this shit isn't going to end. Hope you feel better and the rest of your family dodges it this time.


I am not @Mattndew76

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