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Covid-19 Prepared?

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Uh, 9 deaths from rare blood clotting disorder from J&J vaccine took a year to occur, while 1,271 more deaths happened in the last day from COVID. Which is the higher number?


Yes, death is a serious side effect of not getting a vaccine.

Edited by Dav
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You can still win this poker hand if you get get two more Pfizer for four of a kind. Nobody else has any Pfizer that’s playing this hand.


You’ll win an Asian cutie sucking your big toe - to fruition - after you grow one. Pics when it happens.

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29 minutes ago, jbirds510 said:

Ive got a royal flush then! im all boosted up! I went with the “daily V&Z”




An apple a day keeps the corporate sponsored doctors away.


Pro tip: You are worth 3k to the hospital dead and thats after the 38k to “try” to save you..






My life insurance is worth way more than that.  Joke's on them!

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I'll give you the conspiracy theory version we will see from this: Omicron being another lab virus propagated in mice to be less lethal but easier to spread but purposefully leaked to fight the covid pandemic. 

Edited by Dguy210
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22 minutes ago, thisismatt said:

BTW, pretty sure I have the fluvid, or the covenza, or the ultron, or the megatron.  Whatever it is...the quicker picker upper.  Homeowner where I've been working tested positive today and I already was sick, but feel worse today & running a fever now.  





Sometimes a cigar..... is just a cigar.

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5 hours ago, thisismatt said:

BTW, pretty sure I have the fluvid, or the covenza, or the ultron, or the megatron.  Whatever it is...the quicker picker upper.  Homeowner where I've been working tested positive today and I already was sick, but feel worse today & running a fever now.  





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mid day sun = 1000 IU a minute of Vitamin D..get some.. People below the 33rd parallel should be fine if above a little more exposure may help maintain levels of of the vitamin in your body. 


everything else is who cares..get poked, dont, it doesnt matter anymore doesnt change your odds..likeliness of death is lower than falling in the bathtub. 


Edited by jbirds510
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I did a home test last night. It was vaguely positive. I don't think they're picking up as much viral material in the nose swab with this variant. I read an article yesterday about people testing negative on the nose swab and then immediately positive with a throat swab. I haven't lost smell, mostly have been having headaches, sore throat, and bronchial crud.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

I don't have to imagine it. When it comes down to your life, even 2% is a big gamble. What's the survive-ability rate of co-vid??? I think a hell of a lot less than 2%.






The “9” is being stressed as a number from god,, I see it as the number the government/big tech will allow through their “fact checker” system.. like I mentioned ,, the article was explaining why a sitting senator was permanently banned off Twitter for posting CDC and dept of whatever-the fuck numbers as “facts” 

   I asssssume the same place the 1250 number is coming from ,, lol 




Ok,, from sept.. how about giving your child a possibly permanent heart condition with odds of 1-5000??  Is that enough % ? 









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Not sure where Doody got that number ,but , I don’t think the 98% in somewhat healthy adult Americans is even close to accurate..   I don’t think covid has anywhere near 2% mortally rate. But I’m not going to go look right now . 


I was never arguing old people getting vaccinated,, cuz I honestly don’t give a shit..  




i “” a relatively unhealthy middle aged person”” was tested positive,,( in a clinical setting) for covid a month or so ago and I was out digging ditches just yesterday because of the flooding . So I’m not scared of dying from the sweet and sour sniffles. 


   Also about the vaccine with trace amounts of stainless steel in it ,, if you notice who said it was safe ,,, it was the manufacturer that said it’s perfectly safe ,, lol.




Edited by bananahamuck
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CDC reports about 58.5 Million cases and about 850,000 deaths - that’s about 1.419% kill rate for the virus in US since inception. You shouldn’t round that up, but it’s between 1 and 2 percent kill rate.

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I’m not the one who wrote articles., aka “ the reporter”  but going off the fact the New York Times ( notice I included the name at top of screenshot) is about as left leaning bird cage filler as you can get I’m surprised 9 could even get through their screeners ..   

You “reported” the vaccine as perfectly safe ..  


   and like I said Google and all it’s tentacles ain’t going to let you find shit  arguing against their narrative.. so ok 

Edited by bananahamuck
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I wonder how many kids didn’t die in their sleep days after getting the vaccine, quite a few. So what.


It’s reportable when the investigation ends - apparently not yet. Oh wait, just saw that was from July 2021, so report em if you got ‘em. Otherwise we should assume it didn’t have the result you wished for.


And arguing that it will not get through some conspiracy theory filter is bullshit. Report what you got, not what you don’t got. Any source.


What a maroon.

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Kids dont need the vaccines either since it never moves beyond the upper respiratory system for them. Alpha and Delta was like Omicron is now for adults. 


Pressing the risk of damage to the smooth muscle tissue is stupid and its not an immediate risk. There is speculation that this tech can and will cause smooth muscle tissue damage later in life as well. 


Dav fuck your vaccine cult bullshit and defense of this. They're not safe at all. I don't give a fuck what percentage numbers there are. If one person dies from something then the activity is NOT safe. It is to be used with user risk assessment. All vaccines come with dangers and that is why parents are the ones who decide what's best for their children.


"Mostly safe." just like "Mostly peaceful."  Word dressing doesn't make shit safe.

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