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Covid-19 Prepared?

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I block no one 


the harvest season which also buts up against holidays ,,, for me is mid Sept-New Years  “family closeness” to the millionth degree


About 1/3rd my family is hardcore Dems half about 1/3 are hard Repub, , ,, 1/3 indepen. 
   When together,, We argue loudly , we argue mean , we argue to win .. then we Eat/work/rock out . Have good time 


someone gets tipsy insults someone and or their kids and it’s off ,, like the Kentucky derby 


it’s our way 





anyway fuck you all 




Edited by bananahamuck
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10 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Starting around May Dav's post are almost exclusively Co-Vid and Destruction and almost no others, so if his posts are missing you won't miss much. Out of the last 150 posts just 19 were NOT Destruction or Co-Vid.

I'm guilty of the same thing.I usually don't block anybody but that guy's a tick.

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17 hours ago, Dav said:

I’m beginning to think you don’t really care about me 😢























Its not that I dont care about you, In fact The reason I even bother sharing my findings here is because I do care. Now with that said, Lets call it how it is, you are behaving like a 7 year old with garbage posts like 10 hrs of crickets because you're info is not only unpopular but often debunked, discredited and otherwise ridiculous. For that I dont RESPECT you and I think you should either bring to the table quality substance backed by credible references or STFU.. Its a respect issue and as rn you havent earned mine. have a nice day.


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Michael Flynn Goes Full Tinfoil Hat With Bonkers New COVID-19 Theory

Mysterious elites may be plotting to release a new virus because "their little plan with COVID didn't work," the former national security adviser said.


Donald Trump’s former national security adviser and pardoned felon, Michael Flynn, has offered up his latest batch of conspiracy nonsense, this time suggesting that the COVID-19 pandemic was orchestrated by unnamed “global elites” who could be preparing to unleash a new virus on humanity.

“Their little plan with COVID didn’t work because too many people, you know, the world of what I call the digital warriors, or the citizen journalists that are out there. They are fighting for the truth, and so the truth has been exposed about all the COVID tyranny that we are facing,” Flynn told prominent conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on “The Alex Jones Show.”


“So I think what we’re going to see is potentially another type of virus that’s imposed on the public.”


“I hope that’s not the case, but I’ve seen some indications of that in some of the statements by some of these global elite type of people,” Flynn added.


In September, he suggested that COVID-19 vaccines might be injected into salad dressing and imposed on people.


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  That's the beauty of opinions and theories. Often you can't prove or disprove them. Fauci and Gates... were they complicit with the CCP in the first release? Hasn't been disproven to me at least (where there's smoke there's fire) so maybe there is a co-vid 2.0 release date set. 


1 hour ago, Dav said:

Michael Flynn Goes Full Tinfoil Hat With Bonkers New COVID-19 Theory

Mysterious elites may be plotting to release a new virus because "their little plan with COVID didn't work," the former national security adviser said.



“Their little plan with COVID didn’t work because too many people, you know, the world of what I call the digital warriors, or the citizen journalists that are out there. They are fighting for the truth, and so the truth has been exposed about all the COVID tyranny that we are facing,” Flynn told prominent conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on “The Alex Jones Show.”





Is he kidding? It's transformed the world through fear. What was the plan anyway????? Kill off 0.1% of the elderly over 70??? Make billions for drug makers??? Fuck up the economy??? Restrict travel and get people used to less freedom of choice and more government 'oppression'???


Maybe a second virus is the natural progression from co-vid that was released to 'soften us up'???




Hey John can you see Dav's remarks if I quote them????

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I was beginning to get concerned with how people where starting to become complacent with their fear levels of this pandemic, I mean with all the hard work the media and politicians have done and people are still starting just live their lives. 


But don't worry let me introduce B.1.1.529 !!!! Scary number!, but wait, it also has an exotic and scary location- the "Botswana variant"😬😬😬 

but wait theres more.... for all you fear porn aficionados out there-  scary graphic representation!!!




Fortunately for human kind while stock markets are dropping pfizer is up 7% on the news that the already flawed pcr tests will detect it! And they are working on a booster for the booster! Yay! 


Two more weeks to flatten the curve! Stay scared people. 

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If you recognize that you  aren't very knowledgeable in something you are more likely to believe an opposing view of it. Said this several if not more times and it applies to politics also. This is that, in the history of the world, no one through argument has ever convinced another that they are wrong and changed their view or opinion. (ok it happens but unicorn rare) People trust their own world vision about what they see and experience and form their opinions and judgements on and no one is likely to change this because if it can easily be changed, what does this say about our faith in our own judgments? That it should blow back and forth like a flag in the wind??? When I hear the word facts, alarms go off. Facts cannot be proven true so unless you are willing to trust someone saying that they are, OR, that you were there and generated the fact and know it to be true it's a waste of time arguing. Truth is not absolute, it's variable and reduced to %. 






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And now that we have Omicron Biden has decided to delay a travel ban (Africa) on advice from Fraudci and his team.If he's serious about controlling and stopping the spread why wait ? You would think Fraudci would suggest banning travel NOW and not take any chances.Jesus what's wrong with these people ? Or it's just more scare tactics.

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