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Covid-19 Prepared?

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Meanwhile my 20 year old twins are putting the rocks they find on beach just off parking lot ,,, which have been probably stepped on by 100s of thousands of people over the years………….. in their mouths .. 


good times .. lol 





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On 7/30/2021 at 9:51 AM, Ooph! said:


Forced submission to authority is what's going on, it doesn't matter what percentage is vax'd they DON'T WORK.

masks do help, if used properly. People touching their mask repeatedly with unwashed or unsanitized hands make them not work. wearing them as a chin strap doesn't work either. getting together with friends and family without a mask thinking it's ok because you know them doesn't work.

funny, until getting vaccinated i was getting tested every week, sometimes twice a week, and never had covid, but i know over 50 people who have, and i had even been around several of them, but had a mask on. Most are people i work with. Keep in mind, these are people who would continue getting around other people outside of work with no mask on, going to bars, things like that, and don't take it seriously. there's few people i would get around without a mask, but i knew every one of them took it just as serious, and none of us got covid. a few of them would have died if they had got it btw.

Edited by A guy named Rick
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1 minute ago, A guy named Rick said:

 People touching their mask repeatedly with unwashed or unsanitized hands make them not work. wearing them as a chin strap doesn't work either. 

This has been my problem with masks all along.Watch your cashier,clerk,food server etc. and notice how often they're playing with that mask.

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1 minute ago, john510 said:

This has been my problem with masks all along.Watch your cashier,clerk,food server etc. and notice how often they're playing with that mask.

My point exactly! that's what's going to make them not work.

i'm not saying be like the lady out on the water wearing a mask. if the particles are that tiny to float along the air and infiltrate your body, then a mask isn't stopping it, but being around people talking and stuff will help.

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Insert condom for mask and HIV for co-vid. It's the '80s all over.



1 hour ago, A guy named Rick said:

masks do help, if used properly. People touching their mask repeatedly with unwashed or unsanitized hands make them not work. wearing them as a chin strap doesn't work either. getting together with friends and family without a mask thinking it's ok because you know them doesn't work.

funny, until getting vaccinated i was getting tested every week, sometimes twice a week, and never had covid, but i know over 50 people who have, and i had even been around several of them, but had a mask on. Most are people i work with. Keep in mind, these are people who would continue getting around other people outside of work with no mask on, going to bars, things like that, and don't take it seriously. there's few people i would get around without a mask, but i knew every one of them took it just as serious, and none of us got covid. a few of them would have died if they had got it btw.


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36 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Insert condom for mask and HIV for co-vid. It's the '80s all over.




Problems is, nobody cares enough about others to beat it. Nobody wants to do something they are told to do, and they don't think of how it will affect others. Same goes with a lot of STD's too.

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In the last year I hardly went into town. Not a choice, I just have no need. I had a surgical mask from the local hospital and had it from April 2020 to April 2021. It was still in good shape when I replaced it. I wore it only when required... that would be indoors at any establishment. Perhaps a few dozen times. They said wear it so I did but only if I had to. Unlike those fucks wearing basically useless designer face coverings. Had to laugh when getting my vax. Many of the people ahead of me were told they had to put proper masks on and take theirs off. Then there's the idiots driving around by themselves with a mask on. Saw someone jogging early in the morning, empty streets, wearing a mask. The stupidity of the whole situation is off the charts.    

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1 hour ago, A guy named Rick said:

Problems is, nobody cares enough about others to beat it. Nobody wants to do something they are told to do, and they don't think of how it will affect others. Same goes with a lot of STD's too.

Just curious how much more us citizens could have done to beat Covid ? From my point of view i'd say the vast majority of us complied with demands.The few that didn't can't be the reason this shit is still around.Remember two weeks to flatten the curve ? We're at two weeks and about 485 days.

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7 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

In the last year I hardly went into town. Not a choice, I just have no need. I had a surgical mask from the local hospital and had it from April 2020 to April 2021. It was still in good shape when I replaced it. I wore it only when required... that would be indoors at any establishment. Perhaps a few dozen times. They said wear it so I did but only if I had to. Unlike those fucks wearing basically useless designer face coverings. Had to laugh when getting my vax. Many of the people ahead of me were told they had to put proper masks on and take theirs off. Then there's the idiots driving around by themselves with a mask on. Saw someone jogging early in the morning, empty streets, wearing a mask. The stupidity of the whole situation is off the charts.    

yeah that shit is annoying

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19 minutes ago, john510 said:

Yes,vast majority.

i work in a place that has hundreds of employees in the building at any given time. the vast majority i see will be close to their friends, talking with their mask down, don't sanitize/wash hands properly when dealing with their food on break (example: touching their dirty phone they touch through the day and touching their food/face), constantly touching their mask with their dirty work gloves when they go to pull it down to talk (i mean, i thought it was supposed to be on your face when you're talking), go and hang out with co-workers after work, on their days off, whatever, with no mask around each other. masks half the time barely covering their face.

All this in a place where masks are required, where they go to great lengths to enforce social distancing, enhance cleaning procedures, basically everything possible, but the vast majority don't want to be told how they should be doing something. Because the vast majority want to do what they want. As long as a manager isn't watching over them, they'll get away with whatever they can.

Edited by A guy named Rick
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3 hours ago, A guy named Rick said:

Problems is, nobody cares enough about others to beat it. Nobody wants to do something they are told to do, and they don't think of how it will affect others. Same goes with a lot of STD's too.


3 hours ago, A guy named Rick said:

So then people should meet in the middle. Yeah, people like her are going overboard, but, if there was more of that, as annoying as it is, it would be a good thing. i'd take that over no precaution at all.


2 hours ago, A guy named Rick said:

Vast majority? 🤣



so I wrote a whole diatribe ( in this thread). countering this type of thinking but I went back and searched ,, didn’t find it 


BUT in a nutshell did you ever mask up  or stand six feet away when a young child with bald head and mask on walked or was wheeled in wheelchair, by you before February 29 2020 ?? Ever ?

  Will you after the government has told you everything is wonderful again?? Why ?? 

     After this blows over , will you mask up ,, stand 6 feet away in store , EVERY TIME if you are in presence of such a person/child out in public?? 

if no,,, why the fuck should I do it for someone else because the TV has convinced themselves that,  their life is more important than that child’s ?


  Mask shaming may work on some ,, but me,, I have seen the reality of others giving no shits during flu season for 18 years before covid . 


Your mileage may vary 

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5 minutes ago, bananahamuck said:





so I wrote a whole diatribe ( in this thread). countering this type of thinking but I went back and searched ,, didn’t find it 


BUT in a nutshell did you ever mask up  or stand six feet away when a young child with bald head and mask on walked or was wheeled in wheelchair, by you before February 29 2020 ?? Ever ?

  Will you after the government has told you everything is wonderful again?? Why ?? 

     After this blows over , will you mask up ,, stand 6 feet away in store , EVERY TIME if you are in presence of such a person/child out in public?? 

if no,,, why the fuck should I do it for someone else because the TV has convinced themselves that,  their life is more important than that child’s ?


  Mask shaming may work on some ,, but me,, I have seen the reality of others giving no shits during flu season for 18 years before covid . 


Your mileage may vary 

I get the concept, but it's just yet ANOTHER way more people can die or develop health problems, so why allow it, is all.

I'm guessing then to people who think similarly to you that if you get it and live, then great, if not, then they're weak? all part of natural part of life? I ask those people, if you got it, spread it to family, and one or some of them died, would you feel guilty? would you think to yourself "i could have prevented it and they would still be here"? just wondering. I know everyone has their opinions. There's always going to be some argument.

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My Wife and I followed the precautions and since my wife is a scientist with a master's degree I let her decide what we would do. Never caught it, got the vaccine as soon as we could and life is normal for us that Covid will only give us the flue symptoms without the bonus plan. Never afraid of dying from it but I know some younger folks that rang up massive medical bills. I don't need that and I hate being slowed down by being sick. The loss of taste and smell was what was scary to me because I love my hoppy IPAs. Usually if I don't want a beer because I am sick the next step is dial 911.

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1 hour ago, A guy named Rick said:

I get the concept, but it's just yet ANOTHER way more people can die or develop health problems, so why allow it, is all.

I'm guessing then to people who think similarly to you that if you get it and live, then great, if not, then they're weak? all part of natural part of life? I ask those people, if you got it, spread it to family, and one or some of them died, would you feel guilty? would you think to yourself "i could have prevented it and they would still be here"? just wondering. I know everyone has their opinions. There's always going to be some argument.




Now debate my questions with the knowledge that MY example was not hypothetical.. 


not some media narrative based on “feelings” I may or not have 

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Regular surgical masks don't work to any large effect. Properly fitted N95 (respirator) does block it but you still have a route of entry from the mucus membranes of the eyes.


Also, remember the masks were never about protecting YOU they were supposed to basically keep you from spitting on people with aerosolized droplets.


So in reality the effectiveness of cloth or surgical masks in blocking droplets and preventing a sick person from spreading covid is extremely low, best guess I've heard is maybe 2% or a bit higher and depending on which study (and their bias and rigor) falls within the statistical error. 




Interestingly, if you look at data from before about 2016 there is a lot of talk about how face masks DO NOT offer protection against influenza or really effect transmission. Weird how years of data all go ignored when it was politically convenient?


From the CDC link:


Rates of infection were consistently higher among those in the cloth mask group than in the medical mask and control groups. This finding suggests that risk for infection was higher for those wearing cloth masks. The mask tested was a locally manufactured, double-layered cotton mask."


Recommendations to wear masks to protect the wearer from droplet infections are based on the assumption that droplets travel short distances only, generally 1–2 m. However, of 10 studies of horizontal droplet distance, 8 showed that droplets travel >2 m, in some instances ≈8 m (22). A recent study also showed that SARS-CoV-2 may be transmitted up to 4 m (18). Therefore, ideally, all frontline healthcare workers should use a respirator. 




The new mask mandate is based on a heavily flawed document, that even had a published correction, but it is ignored as it doesn't fit the narrative.



But you know what? NONE OF THAT FUCKING MATTERS ANYWAYS. DANGEROUS FREEDOM IS ALWAYS PREFERABLE TO SAFETY. You know from the virus with a 99% or higher survival rate.

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Don't you love censorship? This article was published in 2020 give a retrospective review of the literature (with sources!) on why masks don't work and was then removed likely due to political pressure. But the internet never forgets.




Key paragraphs from the article:

The Inadequacies

Between 2004 and 2016 at least a dozen research or review articles have been published on the inadequacies of face masks. 5,6,11,17,19,20,21,25,26,27,28,31 All agree that the poor facial fit and limited filtration characteristics of face masks make them unable to prevent the wearer inhaling airborne particles. In their well-referenced 2011 article on respiratory protection for healthcare workers, Drs. Harriman and Brosseau conclude that, “facemasks will not protect against the inhalation of aerosols.” 11 Following their 2015 literature review, Dr. Zhou and colleagues stated, “There is a lack of substantiated evidence to support claims that facemasks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious contamination.” 25 In the same year Dr. R. MacIntyre noted that randomized controlled trials of facemasks failed to prove their efficacy. 5 In August 2016 responding to a question on the protection from facemasks the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety replied:

  • The filter material of surgical masks does not retain or filter out submicron particles;
  • Surgical masks are not designed to eliminate air leakage around the edges;
  • Surgical masks do not protect the wearer from inhaling small particles that can remain airborne for long periods of time. 31

In 2015, Dr. Leonie Walker, Principal Researcher of the New Zealand Nurses Organization succinctly described- within a historical context – the inadequacies of facemasks, “Health care workers have long relied heavily on surgical masks to provide protection against influenza and other infections. Yet there are no convincing scientific data that support the effectiveness of masks for respiratory protection. The masks we use are not designed for such purposes, and when tested, they have proved to vary widely in filtration capability, allowing penetration of aerosol particles ranging from four to 90%.” 35

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2 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

My Wife and I followed the precautions and since my wife is a scientist with a master's degree I let her decide what we would do. Never caught it, got the vaccine as soon as we could and life is normal for us that Covid will only give us the flue symptoms without the bonus plan. Never afraid of dying from it but I know some younger folks that rang up massive medical bills. I don't need that and I hate being slowed down by being sick. The loss of taste and smell was what was scary to me because I love my hoppy IPAs. Usually if I don't want a beer because I am sick the next step is dial 911.


My girlfriend and I did the same thing, never got it, but know plenty of others that did. Next door neighbor to my parent's that I've known my whole life went to his nephew's house on the opposite side of them one day, got high together and then the nephew tests positive. The other guy tested positive a few days later. Everyone I know that got it didn't properly follow precautions.


1 hour ago, Dguy210 said:

Regular surgical masks don't work to any large effect. Properly fitted N95 (respirator) does block it but you still have a route of entry from the mucus membranes of the eyes.


Also, remember the masks were never about protecting YOU they were supposed to basically keep you from spitting on people with aerosolized droplets.


So in reality the effectiveness of cloth or surgical masks in blocking droplets and preventing a sick person from spreading covid is extremely low, best guess I've heard is maybe 2% or a bit higher and depending on which study (and their bias and rigor) falls within the statistical error. 




Interestingly, if you look at data from before about 2016 there is a lot of talk about how face masks DO NOT offer protection against influenza or really effect transmission. Weird how years of data all go ignored when it was politically convenient?


From the CDC link:


Rates of infection were consistently higher among those in the cloth mask group than in the medical mask and control groups. This finding suggests that risk for infection was higher for those wearing cloth masks. The mask tested was a locally manufactured, double-layered cotton mask."


Recommendations to wear masks to protect the wearer from droplet infections are based on the assumption that droplets travel short distances only, generally 1–2 m. However, of 10 studies of horizontal droplet distance, 8 showed that droplets travel >2 m, in some instances ≈8 m (22). A recent study also showed that SARS-CoV-2 may be transmitted up to 4 m (18). Therefore, ideally, all frontline healthcare workers should use a respirator. 




The new mask mandate is based on a heavily flawed document, that even had a published correction, but it is ignored as it doesn't fit the narrative.



But you know what? NONE OF THAT FUCKING MATTERS ANYWAYS. DANGEROUS FREEDOM IS ALWAYS PREFERABLE TO SAFETY. You know from the virus with a 99% or higher survival rate.


Why does everyone here in America have to go and say it's a political thing? So, here it's political but in other countries it's not? It's so interesting how so many people who know nothing about medicine, disease, or anything like that and will argue against the ones advising us that went to college and have studied for half their life, or even longer, about diseases and medicine. Where does the government get off on it? What do they get out of it? To what benefit do they have? Can someone logically answer that? Honestly, how are they out to get us over it? Problem is nobody can take direction and decides for themselves what's right. I'm done ranting about it. Not going to change anyone's mind anyways. I'm glad I'm not leaving any offspring behind in this world to suffer because it's going down the shithole at an alarming rate. 

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