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Covid-19 Prepared?

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What’s going to happen with the beer?


They (Dems) bought it in Texas, that increased the demand for that beer in Texas (demand).  The distributor will order more of that beer and put it on the shelf (supply).


However, the demand (Dems) has now left Texas.  Texas will have more of that beer to drink without enough drinkers.


Looks like those of you left behind have more work to do - get to drinking.

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Found elsewhere:


"So they let you work as “essential workers” throughout the entire pandemic where you could literally become infected and die. And now that the :syringe: are here, you must all get one or you can’t work anymore...where you already were working.. during the entire deadly pandemic... and you didn’t die"

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Wife came home absolutely exhausted by the level of dumb lefties she works with.


You cannot explain complex intellectual things that seem simple to people with a reasonable IQ.


They're of the thought that unvaccinated people are the sole reason the virus is so dangerous. They are so angry that people refuse to wear masks because in their mind the mask is the cure to the virus, when the mask doesn't even remotely stop the spread.  The mRNA vaccine isnt even as affective as the mask is to them. 


They're so pro-lockdown its disgusting. 


"unvaccinated people are going to make the vaccinated sick."

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46 minutes ago, jbirds510 said:

Guess fear ratings are slumping..gotta bolster that shit up a little..funny how noone talks about allium sativum, aka Garlic..NIH article says it all if anyones interested ill just drop the link right here.




I will never wear another mask..I no longer for the most part see it any different than a white arm band with the star of david on it.. All these people in the news think they are in 1950? Information is EVERYWHERE.. Facebook doesnt have the only fact check game in town. Ive put the news in tv jail.






German call to ban 'Jewish star' at Covid demos

7 May
A Berlin protester wore a yellow star with the word "unvaccinated", mimicking the notorious badges the Nazis forced to wear in World War TwoIMAGE COPYRIGHTDPA/GETTY IMAGES
image captionThis Berlin protester wore a yellow star with the word "unvaccinated", mimicking the notorious badges the Nazis forced Jews to wear in World War Two

Germany's anti-Semitism commissioner, Felix Klein, has urged authorities to stop protesters using the Nazis' yellow star forced on Jews in World War Two.

Some protesters have replaced the word "Jude" (Jew) with the phrase "ungeimpft" (unvaccinated), equating Covid restrictions with the persecution of Europe's Jewish population.

The yellow Star of David has also been seen in protests in London.

Mr Klein said he hoped German cities would follow Munich in banning it.

"If people pin so-called Jewish stars on themselves in demonstrations, thereby drawing comparisons that relativise the Holocaust, then the means provided by law should be applied against them," he told Tagesspiegel newspaper.

The Nazis made wearing the yellow Star of David badge mandatory throughout territories they occupied, dehumanising Jews by marking them out as different. Anyone found without one faced a fine, prison or death.


Anti-lockdown protesters argue that the ruling liberal establishment is violating their personal freedom and exaggerating the Covid health risks. However, the head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster, said last year it was "unspeakable" that Germans were comparing restrictions on their lives with the abuses of the Third Reich.

The yellow star has appeared at protests beyond Germany too. British comedian David Baddiel drew attention to its use in London last month, and it was condemned by the Auschwitz Museum.

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Garlic is good to take but its benefits are over blown. There is no proof that it can do anything to prevent a viral infection let alone co-vid. Just because it's good for you doesn't not mean it's a bullet proof vest.  

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It may lessen the affects, if lucky you might avoid some viruses and like hundreds of organics it can boost the immune system. It doesn't make you immune. It's an old wives tale. Co-vid has only been around a year and a half (outside of a lab) not long enough for any long range studies of the efficacy of eating garlic to prevent it.




Italians ate 108 million pounds of garlic in 2006, up 4% from the previous year. If it increased just 2% till 2021 then they consumed 140 million pounds this year. (likely much more) The population is about 60 million so on average 2.34 pounds a year for every man woman and child and although not every Italians will eat this amount it would be hard to avoid consuming at least some during the year in Italian cuisine. A total of 4.33 million caught the co-vid virus and 128,000 died from it. About 4.25% of those infected. What are the chances that many of those 128,000 ate garlic at every meal or one meal a day or several a week?????

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Hey Mike first off i didnt mention immunity YOU did and thats called putting words in my mouth and in person youd get your ass handed to you for it. secondly Ive had all the contradictions to my posts from you im going to take.. Im joining all the others youve run off..see ya dickhead.



Edited by jbirds510
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