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Covid-19 Prepared?

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Our local civilian airport has seen a drop in travelers. My wife know a lady that has been hard hit runing a small cafe in the terminal. My wife bought a chicken pie that has to be cooked in the oven but otherwise is frozen and ready to go. Godamn it was good and the pastry as home mads as you can get. Next week we had an apple pie and I cooked it while my wife was working and finished the entire thing during the course of the day. So this helps her we get home cooked pies and we are sort of eating out.

This sound right.  We got take out when a friend closed her restaurant.  Ate three nights the last week.  But took it home and freshen it up in the oven.  Seemed safe enough to show sad support.   But delivered groceries are the best option for us.  Ends up saving us money.  And we grow most produce so that’s not an issue.  

we don’t hunt duck here, but quail, Franklin’s, turkeys.  Good for adobo.  

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We are going to try our hand at prime rib this year. We bought a 1/4 cow at the beginning of November from a local rancher. We didn't do restaurants very often before the world went to hell in a hand basket.

 As far as our airport, we seem to have seen an uptick in arrivals/departures. A couple things factor into this; It is a public/private airport, it is for general aviation, and we try to stay very competitive on fuel prices with other airports in out area.

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I do miss taco bell for some odd reason. We do take out food but no indoor restaurants. Taco bell just gets to soggy for take out and my wife won't eat it anyways. I used to like to run errands in the morning, eat at taco bell for lunch then immediately start the 40 minute drive home because my bowels had a 45 minute time window between taco bell and a toilet. If there was any kind of traffic hold up things could become touch and go. I would swear off it, then two weeks later I would be chowing down a 7 layer burrito with a side of soft taco and cinnamon twists. Please tell me those are still on the menu!

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This is kind of fucked up. I am in Florida and it seems the counties are kind of on their own so the offer covid vaccine to the over 65 crowd on a first come first served basis. They have elderly folks lined up like xbox buyers to get the vaccine where if they don't show up the night before and sleep in lawn chairs they are shit out of luck. I don't have a better solution but there has to be a way.


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4 minutes ago, Duncan said:

This just in:


The UK super-duper whoop-ass version of Covid has just shown up in San Diego.  Oh Happy New Year....







It appears that it isn't more deadly just spreads easier... more contagious. The seasonal flu kills mostly the eldest of the population and those with medical issues. Co-vid seems to do the same, maybe more aggressive. If elderly and in fairly good health you have a better chance of survival than your peers that aren't. Don't live in fear from this, don't believe everything you are told by the National Bureau of Bullshit or the alphabet soup news media.  

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Don't live in fear from this, don't believe everything you are told by the National Bureau of Bullshit or the alphabet soup news media.  


I don't live in fear, but I do take precautions because I hit a lot of the BAD check boxes, but's that's okay. I just see a lot of people getting hurt by these shut downs with very mixed information by California's used car salesman governor.   



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I get to have a phone call today with the state Gub'mint's health office because of contact tracing. (one of my employees tested positive). I had to send the positive guy home last week. Had to send another home this week cuz he works next to the first one I sent home. So now it is down to me and a kid I hired about 3 weeks ago. Joy of all joys.


Very likely I will have 2 weeks of time off without the benefit of a paycheck. The only saving grace is that the Missus is a CNP/RN working hospice care and is tested every week and has been for the past 2 month.

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13 hours ago, datzenmike said:


It appears that it isn't more deadly just spreads easier... more contagious. The seasonal flu kills mostly the eldest of the population and those with medical issues. Co-vid seems to do the same, maybe more aggressive. If elderly and in fairly good health you have a better chance of survival than your peers that aren't. Don't live in fear from this, don't believe everything you are told by the National Bureau of Bullshit or the alphabet soup news media.  


The worst part of this is that our newly Minted Dipshit Mayor, who checks all the Woke Alphabet boxes, just ordered the SDPD to enforce penalties, both for the business staying open, but for any patron caught inside using the establishment. 


Democrats seem to go drunk when they get the power. Our previous Mayor was a Republican White Guy and now we have a Democrat "I don't really know what he is" Gay Guy. The former Mayor actually stood up to Newscum and fought back, but the new one, is just Bending Over and enforcing the bullshit lockdowns and putting some stank on it! 


Thanks for Fucking Up California, Democrats! 



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3 hours ago, Duncan said:


I just read she has just passed away from Covid.  Dawn Wells was 92 years old. 







More likely died of complications of old age.


Barbra Eden '89?



 to Barbraella. Who must be 83 by now.


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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:


More likely died of complications of old age.


Barbra Eden '89?



 to Barbraella. Who must be 83 by now.


i would take barbra eden anytime over hanoi jane hell i would take shirley jones over hanoi jane

Edited by gene knight
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10 hours ago, gene knight said:

she was 82 and in a care facility and had dementia


There must have been a typo on the headline I saw as she was listed at 92 years old.


First paragraph in NY Times article this morning..


"Dawn Wells, the actress who radiated all-American wholesomeness, Midwestern practicality and a youthful naïve charm as the character Mary Ann on the hit 1960s sitcom “Gilligan’s Island,” died on Wednesday at a nursing home in Los Angeles. She was 82.

Her publicist, Harlan Boll, said the cause was related to Covid-19."


Could have been dementia, but it could also be a lefty Antifa conspiracy plot. Who really knows?



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