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Covid-19 Prepared?

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9 hours ago, Jesse C. said:


Ya why were they so hard on SD? My friend posted a list of like 100 bars and restaurants that just were force closed there. No options what so ever for delivery or parklet.


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2 hours ago, Jahva Jef said:


Ya why were they so hard on SD? My friend posted a list of like 100 bars and restaurants that just were force closed there. No options what so ever for delivery or parklet.



Because we are still a slightly conservative town compared to the rest of California. But, they elected a an Openly Gay Mayor who is a Democrat and the Council now has a Democrat Super Majority. So yes, we are screwed! 


This is the town that spawned Super Cunt and Union Lackey Lorena Gonzales 


Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez says 'F--k Elon Musk' after CEO threatens to  move Tesla out of California

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1 hour ago, Jesse C. said:


From Seattle? No bias there! 


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First you jump on me with racist accusations while I was repeating stats from a pew research group survey. Then scream fake news. Class act! By the way Pew Research is in DC. I picked an obscure news source because people on here go nuts if you pick one of the big ones. 

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2 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

First you jump on me with racist accusations while I was repeating stats from a pew research group survey. Then scream fake news. Class act! By the way Pew Research is in DC. I picked an obscure news source because people on here go nuts if you pick one of the big ones. 


I'm not screaming fake news, I am saying biased news. 


I was just pointing out how they are virtue signaling by picking black people to be in front of the camera to show how progressive they are. You are the one that started making it about race. 


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4 hours ago, Jesse C. said:


Because we are still a slightly conservative town compared to the rest of California. But, they elected a an Openly Gay Mayor who is a Democrat and the Council now has a Democrat Super Majority. So yes, we are screwed! 


This is the town that spawned Super Cunt and Union Lackey Lorena Gonzales 


Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez says 'F--k Elon Musk' after CEO threatens to  move Tesla out of California


Thats weird, I always think the towns that are more involved in corruption are gonna stay closed the longest. Wouldn't be surprise if you guys start seeing some serious military action.

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First thing to member is it reflects only those participate in it or answer the phone.

Next, saying and doing are two different things.

Next, this info, subject to the above, has a shelf life. Trends end or change sometimes in a matter of hours.

Next it doesn't cover everyone, there aren't 330 million contacts or phone calls. If 33,000 people are surveyed that's 1 in 10,000 and some assumptions have to be made.

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11 minutes ago, Jahva Jef said:


Thats weird, I always think the towns that are more involved in corruption are gonna stay closed the longest. Wouldn't be surprise if you guys start seeing some serious military action.




Believe it or not Martial law is theoretically possible and has precedent. Then open season on antifa BLM fucks.




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A biased sample [organized by race, sex, income etc.] with at least 600 responders yields surprisingly accurate results.  This does not include intrusive phone calls when you are trying to eat dinner!  You would not believe the answers I give those calls,

Edited by MikeRL411
added rationale
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15 minutes ago, datzenmike said:




Believe it or not Martial law is theoretically possible and has precedent. Then open season on antifa BLM fucks.



I guess I'm one of those old fauhks that doesn't think Marshall Law actually exists, like Roe vs Wade, its a made up term/case that just sorta fissled into nowhere.


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Presidential martial law (federal) is only allowed for rebellion or invasion but each state can impose for almost any reason to protect the public. A total of 68 times. The last in '63



 War or invasion 2

Domestic (civil) war or insurrection... 7

Civil unrest/riots... 11

Labor disputes strikes... 29

Natural disasters... 4

Other... 15

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On 12/12/2020 at 8:15 PM, Mattndew76 said:


Amen brother Nanner.


My 10 year old non verbal kiddo caught an extreme case of influenza 12 months ago and spent a week in the hospital and 3 weeks sick in total. The Week before I spent almost every night in her room making sure she was still breathing. Her weight loss was incredible and the wife and I documented it with photos. 


So when the moral Karen police show up, and try to shame me about masks and social behavior... I have no issue telling them "I don't fucking care!" 


I have never been shy about expressing my self in public as the way I do in here..


Masks are an affect item for the people who are scared of reality or its the newest white night fad. I want those shit stains to stay home and let the rest of us continue with life and the risks involved.






 Yes, exactly . 









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  Didn’t most TV including your local “big three”  have health professionals telling us all summer it IS ludicrous to think a safe vaccine could come before at least next summer ? . And how dangerous it might  be to take? 

   Now they are pointing at racial inequality in the past , OR better yet mistrust of federal government ( refer to first sentence of post) as being the reason people are skeptical of trusting getting a shot.  

Posting this brain fart because my niece posted on Facebook she got shot yesterday .. Pharmacist at (I think) the military base or for them somehow.  (?) 


anyway ,, 



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I think the seasonal flu shot (I've had them for 15-20 years) is selected the previous year. Not the one that is currently running around but the latest different one that hasn't spread far enough yet to be a threat. The new one will hang around all summer somewhere in some host till the next winter when it will explode through the population (usually in Asia somewhere) In that year a cocktail of one to 3-4? candidates is identified and broken down and a vaccine made. It's simply a best guess as to which ones. But yeah about  year. It's not impossible to do in a shorter time but 'extraordinary' circumstances might cause it to be fast tracked and some of the safety protocols 'modified'. If this was a new parachute I would want the one that took a year to make. 

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2 hours ago, bananahamuck said:

  Didn’t most TV including your local “big three”  have health professionals telling us all summer it IS ludicrous to think a safe vaccine could come before at least next summer ? . And how dangerous it might  be to take? 

   Now they are pointing at racial inequality in the past , OR better yet mistrust of federal government ( refer to first sentence of post) as being the reason people are skeptical of trusting getting a shot.  

Posting this brain fart because my niece posted on Facebook she got shot yesterday .. Pharmacist at (I think) the military base or for them somehow.  (?) 


anyway ,, 




yup. also told us MILLIONS of people in the US alone were gonna die.....whoever Fauci's feminine partner is (Birkenstock? Burkhaulter?) told us that if we were good little serfs and did exactly as she told us to and everything went exactly according to their plan we would be doing fantastic if only 250k-300k kicked the bucket. now Trump is the grim reaper who personally went around infecting each and every person who died as he simultaneously threw banana peels in front of nursing homes and tied helpless maidens to the railroad tracks.

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For the record I'm normally very pro-vaccination, but this vaccine feels too rushed with too many hands out for money so sets off my spidey senses.


CDC data indicating "Adverse reactions" to the 1st dose of the vaccination (remember people need 2 doses). Looking at a rate of 3150 of 112,807 for a 2.8% rate of adverse side effects such that people were "**unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional".


Once again let me remind everyone.


1. The government wants to make a vaccine mandatory with a side effect serious enough to require hospital care in almost 3% of patients for a disease with a +99% survival rate for anyone not older than 60 and still somewhere around the single digits for those in their 80s with serious health problems. The life expectancy age in the US is 76 for reference. For anyone under 25 the rate is 99.99% survival (0.01% fatality) and children 99.998 (0.002% fatality) up to 99.6% survival at 55.


AND THEY FUCKING WANT TO MANDATE THIS FOR CHILDREN. Literally this will hurt more children than the disease itself.


2.8% serious side effects on a vaccine is insane. 


2. With this high a % of serious side effects on this large a population to be vaccinated HOW WILL THIS NOT FILL THE DAMN HOSPITALS BY ITSELF?


In short once again, if you are a susceptible population go get vaccinated if you feel the risks vs. reward is justified for you personally. But mandating a vaccine with a 1 in 35 chance of causing that degree of problems is just fucking evil.




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On 12/18/2020 at 5:19 PM, bananahamuck said:

  Didn’t most TV including your local “big three”  have health professionals telling us all summer it IS ludicrous to think a safe vaccine could come before at least next summer ? . And how dangerous it might  be to take? 

   Now they are pointing at racial inequality in the past , OR better yet mistrust of federal government ( refer to first sentence of post) as being the reason people are skeptical of trusting getting a shot.  

Posting this brain fart because my niece posted on Facebook she got shot yesterday .. Pharmacist at (I think) the military base or for them somehow.  (?) 


anyway ,, 



Well Trump was President at the time.They had to keep the doomsday prediction going.Now it's going to be Biden and the vaccine is perfectly safe to get.

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