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Washington state will soon let restaurants reopen — but only if they keep a record of all their customers

The reopening of restaurants could begin as soon as June 1. For restaurants offering dining-in service, they will now have to keep a record of patrons' phone numbers, email addresses and time in to help with contact tracing.



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55 minutes ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:

Washington state will soon let restaurants reopen — but only if they keep a record of all their customers

The reopening of restaurants could begin as soon as June 1. For restaurants offering dining-in service, they will now have to keep a record of patrons' phone numbers, email addresses and time in to help with contact tracing.



I've heard that Governors a real idiot.So how does keeping track of restaurant customers work ? How could you possibly prove that's where they got the virus ? I don't think you could.

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8 hours ago, Jesse C. said:


Los Angeles just shut down for three more months, not all of California 


Pelosi is trying to run the narrative on this Bill by looking like the Good Guy, while loading it with more Liberal Funded Bullshit and hoping nobody notices. The plan is to make it look like that if anyone opposes her Magic Bullet, you must be a Racist Right Winger who hates everyone and wants people to die!  Fuck the Corona shit, there is a Narrative to be pushed up our asses or shoved down our throats! 


San Diego is opening up more stuff, carefully, but at least they are trying. The Mayor sent Newsom a letter telling him to ease up on us since we have played it pretty well here. 


We shall see how that goes. 






                 A Billion here,a Billion there - pretty soon it starts to add up.

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4 hours ago, john510 said:

I've heard that Governors a real idiot.So how does keeping track of restaurant customers work ? How could you possibly prove that's where they got the virus ? I don't think you could.


If someone was sick and dined there they could track down those who might have been exposed. It does sound stupid. If I had to show ID to dine out I wouldn't.

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7 hours ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:

Washington state will soon let restaurants reopen — but only if they keep a record of all their customers

The reopening of restaurants could begin as soon as June 1. For restaurants offering dining-in service, they will now have to keep a record of patrons' phone numbers, email addresses and time in to help with contact tracing.



sounds like big brother /corrupt a-holes in government wanting socialism/nwo funded by nazi terrorist george soros

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10 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I'd rather not know.  Sweden didn't close down  like the US however Swedes since 1970 have had voter turn out of 81% or better and have an average of 86.87% turn out. This is because Swedes are engaged in their government and who they choose to run their country. If you carefully pick someone to advise and govern you, you are more likely to follow those recommendations after all you are looking after your own self interest. 


What's the US turn out? Well from '72 it's been on average 53.675% so almost half don't give a shit or the other half won't let them, or the government doesn't give a shit because 30% more voters might throw them out on their asses!!!. So when those in authority say shelter in place, social distance and close your business at least half are going to say 'fuck you this is the land of the free, I can do whatever I want, this ain't Nazi Germany don't tell me what to do, too much government interference, the American Dream is to make MONEY, I have rights!!!."  So here we are with a country with the highest covid rate @  1.4 million and death rate of 84,000. Next I'll hear that the death rate was exaggerated countered by 'it was underestimated' and the testing was fucked up and no good. So I don't believe a thing anyone says.


Our turnout is 68.62%. I sit back and watch.


I disagree with your conclusions.

Even taking your statements at face value you have a serious logic flaw in your reasoning as you make contradictory statements.  


"Sweden didn't close down  like the US"

"So when those in authority say shelter in place, social distance and close your business at least half are going to say 'fuck you this is the land of the free,"...[ignore close down]

"So here we are with a country with the highest covid rate @  1.4 million and death rate of 84,000."


You have a very big logic problem with these statements.


Per your statements:

A: Sweden DIDN'T close down they are doing ok (well middle of the pack mortality wise)

B: USA DID close down yet they "have the highest rate..."

Therefore you state A>B, which would be Didn't close down > Did close down. In other words:

By these statements "DIDN'T close down" was BETTER than "DID close down"


You then follow this up with USA: "at least half are going to say 'fuck you this is the land of the free,". Which is then USA=didn't close down


Wouldn't this then be the same as DIDN'T close down? If you ignore the close down then that is the same as DIDN"T close down. BUT  you state earlier DIDN'T close down is the BETTER outcome. 


This doesn't make any sense to me, unless you are trying to make an EMOTIONAL argument that LISTENING to your GOVERNMENT is the better solution, even if that SOLUTION is to DO NOTHING.  However, if doing nothing is the better solution then IGNORING your GOVERNMENT when they tell you the SOLUTION IS TO DO SOMETHING is also the better solution, which is CONTRADICTORY to your thesis statement which I'm paraphrasing as "People/Countries that listened to their Government did better". 


I will note while I did not tear into it here I do disagree with your "data" too and your usage of rate is incorrect.  "highest covid rate" is totally based on testing which we do literally better than anyone else (by raw numbers of tested) and rate by definition can not be a pure number it would need to be in the  form of  "something per something" i.e., number of tested positive cases per population or the like. I would like to also note the USA has 330 million people approximately making it the THIRD largest country on EARTH so it will of course BY PURE NUMBERS NOT % always be the larger number. 


Edited by Dguy210
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News from April 8th - https://gothamist.com/news/death-count-expected-soar-nyc-says-it-will-begin-reporting-suspected-covid-deaths-addition-confirmed-ones

The guy steered us though HIV, SARS, Swine Flu, MERS, Ebola - saying the same thing that there is no doubt more people who died from it than we realize - and is warning us to not open too quickly - https://thehill.com/homenews/coronavirus-report/497324-fauci-real-coronavirus-death-toll-almost-certainly-higher-than

That said I don't believe it's like double or triple the current count of 80,000+ so far - but it's something to keep aware of. 

Biggest problem I see is our testing is still a HUGE joke, and we already know that it is possible that you could see a 2nd round of it. 

Where we are in testing per capita of 1mil - like 38th (use the far right test bar to sort):


Opening back up is good for us to get the economy rolling, but at the same time we need to be making sure we are still wearing the dumb face masks, practicing good hygiene and social distancing because opening up only means that they have room for your ass in the ER. 


Many of these politicians don't give a shit about your life and just want it to go back to normal because they are the target for everyone's anger.  


Bonus good news more side effects popping up afterwards being reported in Italy and now the 15 states in the US:


Edited by BrothersGarage
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16 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I'd rather not know.  Sweden didn't close down  like the US however Swedes since 1970 have had voter turn out of 81% or better and have an average of 86.87% turn out. This is because Swedes are engaged in their government and who they choose to run their country. If you carefully pick someone to advise and govern you, you are more likely to follow those recommendations after all you are looking after your own self interest. 


What's the US turn out? Well from '72 it's been on average 53.675% so almost half don't give a shit or the other half won't let them, or the government doesn't give a shit because 30% more voters might throw them out on their asses!!!. So when those in authority say shelter in place, social distance and close your business at least half are going to say 'fuck you this is the land of the free, I can do whatever I want, this ain't Nazi Germany don't tell me what to do, too much government interference, the American Dream is to make MONEY, I have rights!!!."  So here we are with a country with the highest covid rate @  1.4 million and death rate of 84,000. Next I'll hear that the death rate was exaggerated countered by 'it was underestimated' and the testing was fucked up and no good. So I don't believe a thing anyone says.


Our turnout is 68.62%. I sit back and watch.

I'm guessing the U.S. has the highest infection rate because we've tested more people than any other country.As far as the death toll from Covid ? exaggerated most likely.I read of a guy that had a massive heart attack that had covid.COD listed as covid related.My good friend from high school had a mom,85 years old.She died last week.She had two strokes in a month,fell and broke her ankle,ended up in the hospital and developed Pneumonia but they listed her COD as covid related.My friend doesn't even believe that's what got her.She was done awhile back.It's hard to trust these people (experts) at this point.

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See???? No matter what is said someone will dispute it. Not faulting anyone it's just arguable. Some day (maybe) some team will research this phenomenon and draw some conclusions about what really happened this spring. We'll need this because the next one will need a better response.

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30 minutes ago, john510 said:

I'm guessing the U.S. has the highest infection rate because we've tested more people than any other country.As far as the death toll from Covid ? exaggerated most likely.I read of a guy that had a massive heart attack that had covid.COD listed as covid related.My good friend from high school had a mom,85 years old.She died last week.She had two strokes in a month,fell and broke her ankle,ended up in the hospital and developed Pneumonia but they listed her COD as covid related.My friend doesn't even believe that's what got her.She was done awhile back.It's hard to trust these people (experts) at this point.

Just so you know - US ranks 38th in testing per million: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

You can sort by clicking on the far right tab as we have gone up over the last month where we were like 42nd. 

Edit: and not to be a complete dickhead - but I am sorry for your and your friends loss. My condolences. 

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It shows The U.S. at over 10 million tested,no one else is even close.Naturally that would show us as having the highest infection rate.Total tested,not percentage of population.With more testing in other countries they could could get bigger numbers like we have.Real numbers from China would be interesting to see but i doubt we'll ever see that..And thanks for the condolences.My friend is ok, his mom is at peace,she had been suffering for a long time.

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

It shows The U.S. at over 10 million tested,no one else is even close.Naturally that would show us as having the highest infection rate.Total tested,not percentage of population.With more testing in other countries they could could get bigger numbers like we have.Real numbers from China would be interesting to see but i doubt we'll ever see that..And thanks for the condolences.My friend is ok, his mom is at peace,she had been suffering for a long time.

10 million tested but out of a population of 330 million - those numbers are abysmal for "anyone who wants a test can get one."

We were "supposed" to be able to run 5 million tests a day "very soon" back in April  - though the most we have been able to do is close to 320k. 

Plus, you know - if we "test too much it makes us look bad": https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-says-too-much-coronavirus-testing-makes-us-look-bad-2020-5 and that it "isn't necessary" after we don't make benchmarks we were supposed to be striving for: https://www.adn.com/nation-world/2020/05/08/trump-says-testing-isnt-necessary-as-us-falls-short-of-benchmarks/

Setting the US aside - Russia hasn't been reporting their numbers and has been shoving doctors out of windows:

Or threatening other countries to look into our responses like Chinas bullshit

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7 hours ago, Dguy210 said:


This doesn't make any sense to me, unless you are trying to make an EMOTIONAL argument that LISTENING to your GOVERNMENT is the better solution, even if that SOLUTION is to DO NOTHING.  However, if doing nothing is the better solution then IGNORING your GOVERNMENT when they tell you the SOLUTION IS TO DO SOMETHING is also the better solution, which is CONTRADICTORY to your thesis statement which I'm paraphrasing as "People/Countries that listened to their Government did better". 





I think I was trying to get across that a shut down probably this extreme probably wasn't needed IF, all countries and their people would follow guidelines like hand washing, social distancing, self quarantining if obviously ill, face masks and avoiding crowds. (you can do without sports and movies for several months) More or less like the regular flu season on steroids. It probably would have worked on a lot of other countries where the people have a higher regard for those they elected to run their government and look out for them and additionally perhaps more socially responsible for their fellow countrymen. "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few"


Back to "IF,  all countries and their people would follow guidelines". This would never work in many other countries where their government is suspect and presumed (real or imagined) to be untrustworthy and or, the people divisive. I strongly believe that you do 'get the government you deserve' and a poor voter turnout says volumes. In any country that prides itself on freedom and personal liberty, guidelines (and often the very government) are an infringement on these. There will be push back from those who see that "the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many" so a strict complete shut down is inevitable and contentious.


Then there are countries that just followed everyone else.  

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57 minutes ago, BrothersGarage said:

Politics aside, as everything opens up, please stay safe out there guys!


I have been seeing that alot lately,, but .. at least 80% of mask users are not washing “pants” ,, so in your example , after about 4 days you would be spreading more filth than would have normally been in that area EVER In the first place. 

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