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Covid-19 Prepared?

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On 4/29/2020 at 9:59 AM, BrothersGarage said:


I thought we were past this dude. You can't "not" say something only to clarify it by saying "yeah I said it, but it was sarcasm". 



Man....That's a double negative!  Bam.  Just kidding, but too funny to pass up.

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2 hours ago, thisismatt said:


Washington Supreme Court denies release for serial killer (Green River Killer - Gary Ridgway) and others in 5-4 vote over coronavirus


Fucker deserves to die in prison .. but sure let's let them out because they may get sick and die...

I wish I knew who voted in favor of release so I can vote their stupid asses out next time the opportunity presents itself. 

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Are you guys over all of this as much as I am? Are you guys ready to realize that politics and news is just another form of reality tv. If you havent figured out by now TV is for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken any more serious than an episode of the smurfs, consider yourself WOKE..haha..Go work on your car, plant some veggies, do something selfless for someone you wouldnt ordinarily think about, call a friend and refrain from at any time making the conversation about YOU.Be good humans

.That is all.

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....and poor entertainment it is. I stopped watching TV 6 years ago this September. Reality TV is absolutely the lowest form of TV viewing I can't even use the word entertainment. I'm not politically racist, I hate all politicians equally, but whoever is in power slightly more. An equal opportunist I also find that I have a generalized bias towards misanthropy too.  Will Rogers never met me.





img70.jpg Hieronymus-Bosch-Hell_1546.jpg






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Top left with skeleton riding a starving horse swinging a scythe is by Bruegel (the elder) and titled The Triumph Of Death. Here's the entire painting...




the bottom two are by Bosch. 

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4 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

Are you guys over all of this as much as I am? Are you guys ready to realize that politics and news is just another form of reality tv. If you havent figured out by now TV is for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken any more serious than an episode of the smurfs, consider yourself WOKE..haha..Go work on your car, plant some veggies, do something selfless for someone you wouldnt ordinarily think about, call a friend and refrain from at any time making the conversation about YOU.Be good humans

.That is all.





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We are only 2 hours from Los Angeles and what a difference that seems to make. 


No wonder they had to forcibly shut down their beaches



Location Confirmed Recovered Deaths
San Diego County
Los Angeles County
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There's a very interesting article about the Wuhan laboratory on a Yahoo news page.I'm no conspiracy guy but after reading that i do wonder what the odds are this was a mistake that should not have happened.It talks of several accidents where viruses got out of the facility.

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On 4/30/2020 at 1:36 PM, BrothersGarage said:

Washington Supreme Court denies release for serial killer (Green River Killer - Gary Ridgway) and others in 5-4 vote over coronavirus


Fucker deserves to die in prison .. but sure let's let them out because they may get sick and die...

I wish I knew who voted in favor of release so I can vote their stupid asses out next time the opportunity presents itself. 



Hate to break it to you but der Führer Inslee already approved letting like 1100 inmates out awhile ago. 



On this topic:

justices you are looking for are ,,    Steven Gonzales,,  Mary Yu ,,  Sheryl Gordon McCloud,, and Raquel Montoya-Lewis 


But before you get your torches out ,,, them "voting"  to dissent isn't a vote to let anyone out,, the supreme court doesn't work that way..  They could have had many reasons,, SUCH AS the wording on the paperwork that may in the future be used to re-sue the DOC ,, meaning YOU ,, as you pay the bill. 


It wasn't Washington state trying to get them let out,,, it was a group named Columbia Legal Services , The state Attorneys General, was arguing against it.. And as anyone that has been in crosshairs of a legal shenanigans.. You can't just ignore it and it go away.. lol 



This case and a LOT more are that are less media friendly,,  are the reason i have very limited use of my PC monitor for the last few weeks,  




Edited by bananahamuck
mis-spelled Uranus
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4 hours ago, bananahamuck said:



Hate to break it to you but der Führer Inslee already approved letting like 1100 inmates out awhile ago. 



On this topic:

justices you are looking for are ,,    Steven Gonzales,,  Mary Yu ,,  Sheryl Gordon McCloud,, and Raquel Montoya-Lewis 


But before you get your torches out ,,, them "voting"  to dissent isn't a vote to let anyone out,, the supreme court doesn't work that way..  They could have had many reasons,, SUCH AS the wording on the paperwork that may in the future be used to re-sue the DOC ,, meaning YOU ,, as you pay the bill. 


It wasn't Washington state trying to get them let out,,, it was a group named Columbia Legal Services , The state Attorneys General, was arguing against it.. And as anyone that has been in crosshairs of a legal shenanigans.. You can't just ignore it and it go away.. lol 



This case and a LOT more are that are less media friendly,,  are the reason i have very limited use of my PC monitor for the last few weeks,  





The Green River Killer story doesn't pass the smell test. From what I read on local news sites, the inmates released were non-violent offenders who were already nearing their release date. Columbia Legal Services was asking for the court to appoint a person who would review cases and release appropriately. The Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys felt this was too vague, as it did not specifically bar violent crimes. Whatever position you take—nobody, as far as I can tell, was arguing to let out Gary Ridgway. That is just a headline to evoke emotion.

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5 minutes ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:



Serious question: Are you not allowed to go to parks where you are? I'm in California, and I go all the time; a good walk helps maintain a bit sanity. I see a lot of people have the same idea too, I just keep my six feet and all is fine.


I think the liquor store near me is open, albeit on reduced hours, and it does seem kind of strange. I just figured it was for parents stuck at home with the kids. 🙂

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56 minutes ago, Thomas said:


The Green River Killer story doesn't pass the smell test. From what I read on local news sites, the inmates released were non-violent offenders who were already nearing their release date. Columbia Legal Services was asking for the court to appoint a person who would review cases and release appropriately. The Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys felt this was too vague, as it did not specifically bar violent crimes. Whatever position you take—nobody, as far as I can tell, was arguing to let out Gary Ridgway. That is just a headline to evoke emotion.



   i ain't gonna go into my wifes position in government in this forum but i can assure you the DOC worked major overtime to keep the worst of the worst in prison.   Ridgeway specifically ,, who knows,, probably used for WOW factor more than real news ,, like you said. 

   "Court" isn't always used to settle things.. You say they were looking to appoint person to look into it.. Obviously they don't vote yes and someone goes and opens the cages,, they have to start somewhere,,, and that's where they started.. So AGs office of DOC has to argue to,  Nip in the bud type thing   Like i said lawsuit(?) was brought,  so someone HAS to answer or they win.. Huge amounts of manpower and paperwork, paperwork and more paperwork wins cases.  


     I don'y know specifics but Unfortunately Ridgeway  falls into the correct definition of those that are at highest risk from Covid19.. i only know what i know,, but i can assure you the news changes stuff to fit their outrage at the moment.  I think the narrative was to be angry at the supreme court judges,

    but as i might have not stated clearly,,  people should be angry with the bleeding heart weirdos that are ok with people like  that being moved to more accommodating venues..   ( he's probably the tamest of some that may have been eligible)



Non violent ,, like dudes caught selling a tiny bit of weed at a disco ??  

I believe this is the list 






Random emoji cuz the ones on here suck balls. 






Edited by bananahamuck
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