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Covid-19 Prepared?

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Jesus,do you have irritable bowel syndrome or something ? Or did you panic because of the virus ? 


 Na, we buy in a 3 dozen a bag and at any one time there are at least 36 in the house, more, as the other bag can be anywhere up to full. In this case it was a perfect storm of availability and price. She shops and I tell her what I want and sometimes I have to say, "hold it on the cans of chili, no more eggs and no more apples" Otherwise she just gets the same thing as last week. We've had 2 full bags of 36 before, it happens. I'll bet there are at least 2, 1.36Kg containers of coffee on the shelf.

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5 hours ago, datzenmike said:

two stored on top of the water heater for 'just in case'.


"Just in case".......for the Asian tranny porn......what the Mrs datzen doesn't know,.,..doesn't hurt her......ammmm iiiiii riiigghhhhhtttt ??? 

Edited by I'm BLUE
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Well this took a turn.   

2cents.  A shot in the admin for their response to the pandemic is defensibly non partisan.   But meems just always reek of partisanship.  So I see the aversion.   

im here in HI looking at a town on the verge of outbreak and the state is doing nothing.  Insane to see such a lack of recognition of what has happened in every city so far.   This week of school will spread the disease through so many families.  Next week is spring break.   If they just start now that’s two weeks for the price of one.  They will see the first round of infection and realize the necessity of action.  I’m so passed at this bull shit.  Economy will tank hard tomorrow morning, and I hope you all moved out your 401Ks.  This will be a big one.  

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There's a few reasons to be cautious just for how survivable the virus is living something like 7 days on surfaces, how easily it is transferred, and how long it takes to show symptoms. Masks are meant for the already sick but also work great for the not sick; it serves as a physical barrier to putting your dirty/contaminated hands in your mouth and a good reminder to wash your hands before you do drop the mask. Your best defense is your cleanliness, staying away from the public, and boosting your immune system (exercise, going outside, healthy habits). Most of us will probably have no issues if we get it, but I hate to think of people's grandparents and children dying because of carelessness and people being inconsiderate.

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Its astonishing how uniformed people are. 


*Masks are to prevent infected from coughing out particles, and not for the healthy to keep from inhaling.


*Doctors and nurses wear masks to keep from infecting their clients. 


*This virus can also enter ocular,  by finger contamination or aerosol particulates.


Maybe these idiots can wear their toilette paper over their fucking faces. 

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15 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:

Its astonishing how uniformed people are. 


*Masks are to prevent infected from coughing out particles, and not for the healthy to keep from inhaling.


*Doctors and nurses wear masks to keep from infecting their clients. 


*This virus can also enter ocular,  by finger contamination or aerosol particulates.


Maybe these idiots can wear their toilette paper over their fucking faces. 

Very much true.  Especially for you northwest bearded types.   

I did order a n99 about five weeks ago when they were still easy to order.  Those are pretty capable of helping but certainly not “safe”.  What’s good about it is, all the folks who are wearing a mask might be unknowingly sick.  So by being paranoid, they may prevent many others from contagion.  

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I'm going to make a prediction. We screen fliers luggage for guns and weapons and a metal detector for the passengers before boarding.


I can foresee a time when all plane passengers are IR screened for high temperatures, may need a Dr.'s note or medical certificate with an expiry date. This may expand to stadiums screening for fevers in the audience before admission. Schools, theaters also.


I can't believe we don't now on those 'plague pits'. I guess passengers wouldn't put up with it and so we get what we ask for.


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1 hour ago, wayno said:

In the 2017/18 season 61,000 people died of the flu, only 34,000 died in the 2018/19 season, no one was crying/worried about them people.

In my opinion this is political and this could likely go south for most of us, control by fear.





Difference is that this is a new bug that jumped from animal to human and epidemiologists do not know the long term affects. We have had vaccines for influenza for a long time now, but not for this strain of Covid. Until this has had some time to lay out, there really is no solid data on death toll. I would take it serious Wayno. You are in the highest risk bracket for this new bug. I have a 13 year old son with asthma and I am not wanting anything to do with this virus. He also resides within the high risk category.


As for the politics. Never let a crisis go to waste, and yet I am seeing all the ones (politicians I am hoping get the virus) spewing their hyperbolic shit not stop on TV. This is not a partisan virus and it doesn't give a rats ass who its infecting. Nor does it help anyone or any situation trying to play armchair hero from outside the group of people who are working on solutions. So anyone I see that has zero experience in virology or epidemiology give their "expert" opinion about how they think someone is failing at this; without one single utterance of a contrary cogent plan. Those assholes make the permanent (FUCK OFF) list. 


Its decent for people like us to converse about this stuff, because we expand our frame of view. The idiot editorial "experts" on the bull horns are doing nothing to help anything for us. 


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5 hours ago, wayno said:

In the 2017/18 season 61,000 people died of the flu, only 34,000 died in the 2018/19 season, no one was crying/worried about them people.

In my opinion this is political and this could likely go south for most of us, control by fear.




The people / corporations with all the money will get more. The rest of us will help em get it

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2 hours ago, G-Duax said:

I foresee a new reality TV show coming........The Corona Plague


They had a survival reality series on the discovery channel a couple years back based around this style of viral fallout. Was pretty good to see some of the things people came up with to survive.


The Colony

Edited by Mattndew76
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My wife was at Costco yesterday and said she left as soon as possible because it was wall to wall STUPID. Everyone was buzzing about the truck load of TP that was on the way. I had told her but she didn't believe me I guess. You can't eat TP.

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