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Covid-19 Prepared?

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1 hour ago, BrothersGarage said:

Still find it funny how the government flipped the fuck out about THC vapes cartridges but we're just 'it's all cool' mode with a 'global pandemic' lol 


Would it be better if the government panicked and freaked out the whole world over a flu that will probably pass soon ? 

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15 hours ago, BrothersGarage said:

Still find it funny how the government flipped the fuck out about THC vapes cartridges but we're just 'it's all cool' mode with a 'global pandemic' lol 



Well the gov. IS  making money from the taxes on them. Don't look good making money from something obviously killing people. Well killing them too fast to make enough money off them..

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Today is ""go to market day" at Kamp Kelmo




Hope that when I  get home I  don't have to "be a man and use my hand".



Missus Kelmo ended up at Costco earlier in the week and thought "well, I'll just get some paper towels and toilet paper while I'm here"...…...Um, not so much.

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Vitamine C seems to be the solution to stop Covid-19. At least it is all over the news here. Boatloads of vitamine c is being shipped to China to help prevent Corona.

My mother always told me to eat more oranges during winter, maybe Chinese people didn't have mothers who told them to eat more oranges?

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I up my C every winter but there are some benefits for all year. In  Nov. I changed to 8 gram then dropped to 4 because I would forget at night. That's 4,000 milligrams where the RDA is about 80. I checked and there is no upper limit of toxicity. Basically you might get the shits so lower till it goes away. At 4 grams every morning I've noticed no changes. I wash my hands more, have my seasonal flu shot and as I don't like people that much and abhor crowds I'm flu free for now. I don't remember the last flu I have had although it may have been so mild I shrugged it off to....? a bad day or a cold coming that never shows up.


I have to laugh at the antics just about everywhere. This cvid19 can be so slight that you may have it and not know it, spreading it everywhere. No way they can track down everyone you may have infected. Two week quarantine may not be enough anyway. Taking your temperature is a poor way to screen for it as 20 min later could be the onset of your flu. Bringing students and vacationers home is like ant poison and how it works. The workers bring it back into the hive and feed the queen. Cruise ship 21 infected, 19 were the crew..... the ones feeding and looking after you. Need I say more about those festering plague holes? Jumping over board is probably the best action you can take.


Still about 3% death rate although there are most likely WAY more who go diagnosed and recover no worse for the wear.


Got to get more 1,000 milligram tabs before the lemmings start a run on them.

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So, at the market yesterday....plenty of toilet paper and paper towels to be had at Wally world and Smiths.


Now, if you should want to buy a can of Lysol you're just out of luck.

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Vitamin C will not prevent you from catching any virus or cold,ask any doctor.It might lessen symptoms but if it stopped any cold from getting to you there would be none on the shelves.Now about the toilet paper crisis,i went to Walmart and Costco looking for some,they had none.Not because of panic but because i'm almost out and my tree has no leaves on it.Come on people,what does toilet paper have to do with a flu virus ? 

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Two confirmed cases local to me. Went to a Walmart last night. 80% of tp is gone, all of disinfectant wipes gone but most of the beer is still there. If I was going to be quarantined,  beer would be on the list

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Mattndew76,  my sister in-law lives in Cottage Grove. Nice little town and home of the Animal House Parade. When I was there last year I didn't see any Datsuns but saw two nice 84 Celica gts's.  Hope you didn't have to hard a time last year with the snowmagetten. Sister in-law was snowed in for 4days with no power.

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I ain’t a mathmagician but someone should do a work up about TP and size of store.. 

  smaller stores life Safeway/Albertsons seem to have adequate supplies  but larger places like Costco /Samsclub being bought out almost daily .. 


there’s a equation in there somewheres 

Edited by bananahamuck
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5 hours ago, nick83gts said:

Mattndew76,  my sister in-law lives in Cottage Grove. Nice little town and home of the Animal House Parade. When I was there last year I didn't see any Datsuns but saw two nice 84 Celica gts's.  Hope you didn't have to hard a time last year with the snowmagetten. Sister in-law was snowed in for 4days with no power.


The 24" snow event was a fun one. Most of the non native Oregonians had a bit of a hard time with it.  Lots of trees that hadn't seen that type of snow in 10+ years broke apart under the weight. 

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I have 75 rolls not counting what's in the bathroom, and two stored on top of the water heater for 'just in case'.





Not shitting you!

Jesus,do you have irritable bowel syndrome or something ? Or did you panic because of the virus ? 

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