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Need a pic of the speedo cable route


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Hey putting the 510 back together after about 5 yrs of laziness 

and all my pics of my tear down are gone on a crashed lap top

try to see the route the speedo cable takes coming out the firewall 

could someone help me out with a pic

thx farmer

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The 510 cable stays on the left or driver's side, down beside the transmission and away from the exhaust. If like the 710 there are little tabs that fold over it to hold it up tight against the under body.  Not that critical as long as there are no tight bends

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There was one "bendable" tab on one of the steering box bolts that held the speedo cable in place as it went down past the exhaust.........do you have that tab?  Also as Mike says, there should also be a tab down low on the firewall on the drivers side, as a second locating tab.


Big question is if it is the original 4speed with speedo pinion on drivers side OR 5speed upgrade with pinion on the passenger side?



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My 710 uses the same 4 speed as the 510, short and on the driver's side. I put a longer zx 5 speed in with speedo on passenger side. By unclipping the original and pulling it into the engine compartment, I then run it down behind the head and diagonally over the top of the transmission and in. Fit's just fine and been there for 6-7 years.

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First off thx guys for the replys 

i do have the tab on top of the steering box 

and I can see it running into that, across the top of the tranny than going down the passenger side

also talked with  The Keeper and he also confirmed 

thx again guys



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