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INSMNCS: will the real insomniacs please stand up?

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A foot is roughly .3 meter so .0003 Km ... that was easy but a better and more to the point question is how much is a foot in miles. 


Carpenters here still use ft and in. I heavily use metric measurement and terms at work (can't get any closer because it's actually my job as a surveyor) but if something is about a foot away I say foot rather than say 0.3, if a few inches I say inches. If an old plan was in feet and says 150 ft. I have to convert to Metric for it to mean much. 150 feet sounds like a lot but it's about 45 meters and I know what that looks like! Weird how I grew up with ft and in and miles but working with metric for over 30 years and no mileage signs or anything in ft and in and you struggle to make sense of what 12 feet is.

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1 hour ago, paradime said:

Stupid move, but taking pleasure in seeing them get beat with a pipe,,,, what's that about? 

What's what about ? it's ok if you took pleasure seeing them get beat with a pipe,i took pleasure in it too.

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5 hours ago, KoHeartsGPA said:

Stupid hoes LOL




3 hours ago, paradime said:

Stupid move, but taking pleasure in seeing them get beat with a pipe,,,, what's that about? 


Schadenfreude. For those that don't believe in karma but have a good sense of humor.


Karma for those that don't enjoy it but understand it when the universe balances the accounts right in front of you..




Too long and drawn out and rambling about Spike Lee, like who gives a fuck? Looked like they got whacked 40 or 50 times but it was just replayed too many times. Lead pipe? Pipe?? make me laugh, just look at the picture. Looks like the metal rod that connects the door handle and the latch on any Datsun. Me? I don't believe in Karma. Good and evil deeds are just a coin toss. 50/50. In the end it averages out. Only people see things as coincidences. It just is, Ommmmmmmmmm



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He talks because it's a comedy/video/blog show and needs filler cuz clip is short.... There is a straight through video posted on the Yangtube. 




Sigmanfrood : Trying to analyze every thing a bunch of people  are thinking ,, who are only looking for mental escapism by posting funny pictures on an online orphan car website. (1.


 (1) American Dental Society .pg352 : p3






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