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Hosted Pics Being Lost: PostImage.org Pic Hosting can be Integrated into Forums

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There are two problems with hosting pics - one Terrible and one Annoying:


TERRIBLE: Hosted pics disappear from this site!


Pics of technical information, beauty, and historical significance disappear when the owner decides to close his hosting account.


ANNOYING:  Hosting Sites Suck:


These sites are slow and bloated because they try to do so many things, the least of which is hosting for forums.  Libraries, sharing, slide shows, mobile transfers, editing, and more convoluted features are responsible for this.


I use PhotoBucket and to be perfectly honest, it sucks balls. I've tried Flikr and one other site too and they suck balls so bad I quit looking.  They are all slow and bloated  They suck balls.


How a hosting site should work: minimum keystrokes(!): 


Right click the pic or pics to get Context Menu from Windows Directory and select "Host Pic"

Paste into post



The pic would be sent to the "Host" directory in your account via your cookie AND a copy would be placed in your ClipBoard so you can paste it directly into your post.


Everyone body and their monkey load up the Context Menu, so why not hosting sites?




I discovered Postimage.org not too long ago and it is very basic and something I actually use when I don't want to waste 5 minutes hosting a pic on PB.


But what is really interesting is that they have an "addin" for forums so that when you want to post a pic, it seems like the forum is doing it.  It's basically invisible.


But the BIG FEATURE is that the "owner" of these pics would be the forum.  So these pics would be around until the forum disappears, hopefully never.


I don't know what their retention policy is or how long they will be in business, but it might solve the problem of hosted pics disappear from this forum when users pull the plug on them.




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Can't see anyone closing their hosting account (like PB) as that would require actually having to do something. We have lapsed or banned members and their stuff is still around years later.


My biggest complaint about PB is it tries to download 'something' and my computer jams and I have to shut it off to clear it. So I get the picture I want and book asap. Often faster to go Google Images and type in and it goes to Ratsun just as fast. I copy it instead.


Next is all the ads and options like f/b and 6 others, make pictures, send pictures, ..... I just want my picture image code so I can post it here.


Another is when the picture is loaded to PB it just gets jammed into the album in random places and I have to go through pages and pages to find it.

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I hate these deleted posted pics here are 2 that I ran into today:


Here is a thread at TS that I really wanted to see pics of, but they were gone - it was about a MKI Australian Hill Climb Car.  http://teamswift.net/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=54254


And another deleted Flickr on the LED Dash Light Thread:  http://community.ratsun.net/topic/16444-led-gauge-cluster/page-7

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I'm just starting to use Postimage.org - just joined - and yes, it shows promise.  It's just that I have so much stuff on PB.


But if I move my pics to PI and close my account with PB, all of my pics will disappear from this site.


The whole issue is preserving pics on this site.

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I'm just starting to use Postimage.org - just joined - and yes, it shows promise.  It's just that I have so much stuff on PB.


But if I move my pics to PI and close my account with PB, all of my pics will disappear from this site.


The whole issue is preserving pics on this site.


Posted on March 14, 2013 using postimage.org





Posted on 03 April 2011,, using photobucket





If you want to guarantee pictures being saved "forever" keep them on your hard drive.. Even then i have read that the discs will degrade and lose information on them till eventually becoming un-readable ,,probably in less than a humans life time.

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"But if I move my pics to PI and close my account with PB, all of my pics will disappear from this site."


There are very few pictures actually on this site.  The links to the pictures are here, but not the actual pictures.  Closing a photobucket and moving your pictures to PI means you have to change the links to the pictures.  Pretty easy since Ratsun lets you edit your old posts.


Lets play another game.  If community.ratsun.net went away, you also lose all the words you have types into all your posts. 

Reality is, pictures on photobucket, info in Ratsun, and a lot of other stuff you deem valuable is being stored on somebody else’s computer.  If you want to keep it, you have to store it.  And store in a format that you can access later.  I have pictures on 3 1/2 floppy disks that are hard to access.

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