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Countless Encounters

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I'm not sure if there's been a thread like this before, it may have been or has not I don't recall. Anyway this thread is for us to share stories of the encounters we've had with people admiring our Datsuns whether it be a note, someone talking to you on the freeway, some looped out crackhead while your pumping gas just share it  :thumbup:



So the first one I'll share happened yesterday on the freeway...


Truck Guy: Man where'd you find that (country accent)


Me: A friend of mine help me find it


Truck Guy: Damn that cars older than you son




Truck Guy: Cars bad ass man

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Dude running in a store: is that your wagon?

Me: yes.

Dude: can I buy it.

Me: no.

Dude: but I chased you down took me like 6 blocks.

Me: ahhh so? It's not for sale.

Dude: fuuuck!

Then he walked away, me an my gf just looked at each other like did that really happen?

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Once I was at a gas station and some homeless lady asked if I could spare any change told her no, but she flipped when she saw what I was driving and told me she used to have one the same color and what not. I of course like the rest of you guys probably have a soft spot for anyone who admires your car I shoveled out some change and sent her on her way...

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Girls in a grand am pull up next to me cruising down the road, I was in my freshly painted S13 "Silvia".


Girls: We like your car!

Me: thanks.

Girls: what is it?

Me: 240sx.

Girls: Its pretty!

Girls: giggle and squeeel as they speed away.

Girl in passenger seat flashes boobs.



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See now that's the difference in driving a nissan 240sx and a datsun.. With the ladies my datsuns attract they could just pull their shirt away from their body and their boobs would drop out the bottom.



Sucks for you man, I get all age ranges I think older chicks dig it more tho cus they actually know what kind of car it is

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Oh my god I forgot all about the ppl who mistake it for a b210 or a Corona...


Once as I pulled into my driveway from work I had some guy stop in his car and mention a grocery store in question form to confirmed  I worked there, it caught me off guard and I told him no because I don't work at a grocery store. Then he recalled some frwys I take and I confirmed that and he goes on to say he thought I worked at the store because he sees my car around the area, it was a little weird becasue I work 30mi from home and the next county over. After exchanging a few more words he didn't seem to have any ill intentions and went about his way...  

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At VatoZone........


Store Manager: Wait, let me guess, it that an Opel?


Me: No man, wrong country.


Store Manager: Toyota?


Me: Closer.


Chick that works there: So what kind of car is it?


Me: It's the kind of car you can leave your keys in and no one will steal it.

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At car meets usually get stupid people asking or saying some of the stupidest crap about my 810. I've been told a ton of time


Guy: You drift it?

me : Nope

Guy: Why? Is it fwd?

me: No it's rwd

Guy: What engine does it have?

me: inline six

Guy: Nice, you should put a V8 in it.

me: Nah not for me if I wanted a V8 I'd get a muscle car.


Another car meet.


Guy: Hey wanna do a tug war?

me: Huh?...

Guy: Yeah you know my truck vs your wagon.

me: Makes no sense why you would wanna do that unless your being a dick.

Guy: I'm not, just wanna see what happens

me: That's the stupidest thing I been asked.

Guy: You need a truck. You should put a V8 in it.

me: Meh.

Guy it's a LS7 I'll sell it to you.

me: No thanks I got better things to spend my money on right now.


Random Guy: Love your wagon, what is it?

me: It's a Datsun 810

Random Guy: oh never heard of it...is it fwd?"

me: lol no.


Guy on the phone as I pull up to a car meet.

"oh and a 510 just parked" -____-


Lady at Taco Bell: I loooove your wagon, it's so nice.

me: Thanks

Lady: if you ever sell it let me know.

me: Sure I'll put you on my long list of people who want it.


Random moments getting in my car or driving

Guy: Nice 510

me: thanks it's a 810

Guy: What?

me: It's a Datsun 810, not a 510

Guy: oh what is that

me: ....really, it's what I'm driving lol.

Guy: Oh, still it's nice.

me: thanks


Stopped at a light.


Guy: My grandfather used to have an 810 same color too.

me: awesome

Guy: You wanna sell it?

me: No

Guy: oh, why not?

me: because I love my car.

Guy: You'd make my grandfather super happy if you did.

me: find him one.

Guy: But yours is already done.

me: "laugh", no it's not even done.

Guy: I'll give you $1000 cash right now

me: No thanks, not for sale.

Light turns green

Guy: Hey...

me: driving away.

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