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whats up with Oregon!

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Partial to Rogue River, grew up there. Great location, only an hour from the Cali border, away from most of the tweeky deeky dudes and dudets.


I personally loved living out in the hills north of the little city. See a map of Rogue River and follow out E or W Evans Crk Rds. I grew up on Fielder Ck off of W Evans.

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more ex-californians living in oregon than oregonians


Yup that's why Ashland now has sales tax, people are less likely to yield in traffic and opening a new business is becoming increasingly difficult to do.



If you left California because it likely became too expensive for you.....WHY THE FUCK YOU VOTE SAME WAY AS YOU DID IN CALIFORNIA?!?! FUCKTARD!


/end rant.

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He said not desert and no tweekers, that's like the entirety of the dry shitties.



Desert? We got 3 rivers that run through and my grass is green. Last time I saw a cactus was in 2002 when I visited Ed in Phoenix; not here. 



TC has its ups and downs. But its an easy life. Wish I had more Datsun people though. Kevin will be back in less than a year. 

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