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INSMNCS: John Cain

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Raph, I assume there are laws against those two. I said restrict. As in doing more than outlawing something but actually doing something.





How about...


All males sterilized at puberty. Sperm can be surgically removed and impregnation allowed under the following conditions below...


Single or couples must have at least X amount saved up per child in advance of pregnancy. (say $100,000 or two new cars worth???) Money in trust to provide for child if there is a default such as becoming ward of the state. The state shouldn't have to bear the total cost.


Money and interest returned in 4, five year payments over 20 years. It's the parents money so returned in stages to help with upbringing. Payment can be 'saved' and added towards next child.


Must have an income of at least X amount per year (trust fund, job, investment whatever) so that there is enough to provide for the raising of a child over twenty year period. Owning home a plus


Must demonstrate parenting skills and interest and pass a certified course in child rearing. Upgrades every 5 years as child grows.


Must not have a record of criminal behavior, violence, mental abnormality, liquor, gambling, smoking or drug abuse. (add as needed)


Parents must not have any genetic trait that can be negatively combined to offspring. There are plenty of other good sperm doners out there.



Within several generations the misfit, tweaker, puppy mill douchebag, welfare mom, gangsta, FAS looser fucks will have 'bred' themselves into extinction. Every year there will be less and less welfare paid out until in about 50 years none, or very little. Crime will drop to almost nothing.

But then we'd have no soldiers...


Too bad Eugenics earned such a bad name.

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Oh that's not just up there lou, we have those classes here. I didn't take it when I wenter through my divorce so they made sure I took it when we changed the parenting plan and I got custody. Basically, don't talk bad about the other parent or fight with the other in front of the child(ren), don't use the child(ren) as messengers or to give the other parent stuff, don't take away the child's right to see the other parent just because you're having issues with the other parent. All these things are damaging to the child in one way or more.

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Oh that's not just up there lou, we have those classes here. I didn't take it when I wenter through my divorce so they made sure I took it when we changed the parenting plan and I got custody. Basically, don't talk bad about the other parent or fight with the other in front of the child(ren), don't use the child(ren) as messengers or to give the other parent stuff, don't take away the child's right to see the other parent just because you're having issues with the other parent. All these things are damaging to the child in one way or more.


Exact same thing here now David

My son and us had to take it,in order to get to court ..btw papers being served later this week to the biotch :w00t:

The mother of our grandson is/has not let anyone see him,been 4 months for us now

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Well dmike it must be a Canadian thing as I have nearly the exact same thoughts on parental qualifications, as an alternative to sterilization a vasectomy at birth but only reversed when the parents to be gain approval. Not only would it help drain out the genepools that should run dry, but our ever growing population could hopefully get to a number that would be globally sustainable.


Here's how you can tell a Canadian from a USMuran, Canadians would trust their Government to choose who gets to reproduce, where a Murcan wouldn't trust their Government to choose what type of birth control they can us. 

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China says who can have kids, the Nazis had a breeding program. I'll take idiots and crime over living under a regime. I can defend myself against those. A govt with that kind of power does not fear the people. The govt should always be afraid of the people. Circling back to the gun debate, an armed citizenry is part of how you keep the govt afraid of the people.

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Exact same thing here now David

My son and us had to take it,in order to get to court ..btw papers being served later this week to the biotch :w00t:

The mother of our grandson is/has not let anyone see him,been 4 months for us now

good luck to you four (including the child in the number) hopefully it ends for the best


you're not in washington where the male usually loses so you got me beat on that count

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But then we'd have no soldiers...


Too bad Eugenics earned such a bad name.


Was practiced in the US way before 1930s Germany. 


Too bad the master race thing never caught any traction..........


Perhaps a bit extreme is an understatement.


I didn't propose euthanizing anyone. Open to everyone. All males sterilized to prevent random uncontrolled births. Level playing field. Now only those who can demonstrate that they can and want to be responsible parents get to breed. This isn't to breed a master race but to control and lower the population to a (I hate to say the word, but it is actually relevant here..) sustainable level. Lowering the world population by 1/5 or maybe 1/4 would sure take the pressure off the environment. Breed with who you like but responsibly.  



Gone are the days of you paying the government for them to pay others to stay home a breed another generation of criminals and welfare fucks. It's cheaper/easier to fix sooner.... than later.

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good luck to you four (including the child in the number) hopefully it ends for the best


you're not in washington where the male usually loses so you got me beat on that count


Thanks David


It used to be that way here,Went through a messy divorce back in th mid/late 90s, I got custody then(was very inheard of)

Now the philosphy is it takes two to make a bambino,it takes two to raise one(and it should be,even if they are apart)


Grandparents have right here now too :w00t:

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From a gun debate to selective breeding and parent licensing, good segway Ratsun, good indeed.

agreed. and now, for something completely different. time for a musical interlude from a bygone age when things were simpler, a time of barn dances and buggy rides, before life was cheapened by heartless hi-tech machines.


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