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INSMNCS: John Cain

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My bad Tex, I read "Not much relevance to you point" as you didn't think my point had much relevance. May have got it if "This may not have much relevance to your point, but "...  Truth is I'm always looking for a fight when I'm on INSMNCS

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Yes but no one has control over how someone elses kids are raised,  or which ones will become murderous adults,,,,, so in my context ,,, they all have to die,,,,,,,,,,, slowest ones first


...  Truth is I'm always looking for a fight when I'm on INSMNCS


How about this debate...


Parental Control Act.  All of the various proposed restrictions on gun ownership turned toward parenthood.


Background checks before you get custody of your new baby.

Felons can't have them.

Mentally unable to stand trial?  No kids for you.

No vertical grips if you're in Calilfornia.

No more than 5 at a time.

I'm sure there are a ton more.



and GO.

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What if a mentally unstable person got pregnant ?  Would you want the state to take the baby away?? 


Don't they sell the confiscated guns most places?  I know there were a ton at the last police auction I attended.

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How about this debate...


Parental Control Act.  All of the various proposed restrictions on gun ownership turned toward parenthood.


Background checks before you get custody of your new baby.

Felons can't have them.

Mentally unable to stand trial?  No kids for you.

No vertical grips if you're in Calilfornia.

No more than 5 at a time.

I'm sure there are a ton more.



and GO.


I'm having trouble deciding witch side to fight for. 

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On a mostly unrelated note...


Has anyone else heard about this guy?






Augustus Sol Invictus


"I did sacrifice a goat. I know that's probably a quibble in the mind of most Americans," he said. "I sacrificed an animal to the god of the wilderness ... Yes, I drank the goat's blood."

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What if a mentally unstable person got pregnant ?  Would you want the state to take the baby away?? 




News flash , they already do on a very regular basis.






My Son is adopted and was taken from his Mother as a baby because she was living on the streets. The State gave her two years to clean up her act. They offered her all kinds of services but no compliance on her part and no relatives that were willing and could qualify to be a guardian. Just after he turned two we adopted him. Due to the mother's continued history when she got pregnant again the baby was put up for adoption right away. That baby girl is now eleven and her bedroom is next to her brothers

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In all reality, gun violence per capita has been down sharply since 1993, gun control advocates are preaching shit is spinning out of control.





Although Obama has introduced ZERO legislation limiting firearms, he is public enemy #1 in the gun rites mythology. In fact, Obama signed only two major laws that address how guns are carried in America, and both actually expand the rights of gun owners.


This is a trumped up issue on both sides, so why all the hyped up rhetoric?

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On a mostly unrelated note...


Has anyone else heard about this guy?






Augustus Sol Invictus


"I did sacrifice a goat. I know that's probably a quibble in the mind of most Americans," he said. "I sacrificed an animal to the god of the wilderness ... Yes, I drank the goat's blood."

yeah, I read that a while back. fuck it, I appreciate his honesty. I'm a lifelong Christian but I have no issues with pagans/wiccans/satanists. Christians whine about people trampling all over their traditions and icons but doing the same thing to the pagans is what gave Christianity it's toe-hold over Europe.


ever wonder why we as Christians identify the devil as having horns and a tail? that description of Lucifer isn't mentioned in the bible. it is however a perfect description of the horned god/god of the hunt who was worshipped in pagan Europe along with the goddess. he was not an evil entity either. his schtick was bringing home game so that he could earn his right to bang the goddess. Christianity took paganism's most sacred deity and turned him into their greatest villain.


April Fool's Day? well, 1 April was the pagans' new year. the Christians came along, changed the new year to 1 January and ridiculed those who did not by playing tricks on them and labeling them as fools. again, I am not a pagan but more people have been killed in the name of Christianity and Islam than have ever been in the name of paganism or even Satanism.



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Here's topic I want to rant about:


"Survey of Public Schools reveals racial disparities in school discipline..."


The elephant in the room to me is how do these kids respond to authority. Is there a disparity here?


When I have to confront one of my kids about a wrong behavior or action their response has a lot to do with how far I have to take corrective action. If they are truly sorry and say so that maybe all that's needed but if they mouth out to me then their consequences are greater.


As a Principal if two kids get caught doing the same thing wrong and one responds well to talking through it and I believe they have learned from the meeting I'm going to base my punishment on that. And if the other is rude, disrespectful, and not willing to work on the problem I going to base my punishment on that.


I see it like someone that is before a Judge saying "I'm sorry your Honor" vs "Fuck You" and expecting the same outcome. Ludicrous.


So do different groups, races etc. show the same level of respect for authority?

I'm not asking if the they believe that the authority deserves respect differently.


Maybe this is a case of actions while being dealt with.

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Touchy debate.  Hate to restart it, but these statements are incorrect.





Possession of a firearm by a felon is a felony in most U.S. states and in the federal system.






Since 1968, federal law has barred the possession or acquisition of firearms by anyone who “has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution.”



Maybe it's different in Canada.


Raph, I assume there are laws against those two. I said restrict. As in doing more than outlawing something but actually doing something.



How about this debate...


Parental Control Act.  All of the various proposed restrictions on gun ownership turned toward parenthood.


Background checks before you get custody of your new baby.

Felons can't have them.

Mentally unable to stand trial?  No kids for you.

No vertical grips if you're in Calilfornia.

No more than 5 at a time.

I'm sure there are a ton more.



and GO.



How about...


All males sterilized at puberty. Sperm can be surgically removed and impregnation allowed under the following conditions below...


Single or couples must have at least X amount saved up per child in advance of pregnancy. (say $100,000 or two new cars worth???)  Money in trust to provide for child if there is a default such as becoming ward of the state. The state shouldn't have to bear the total cost.


Money and interest returned in 4, five year payments over 20 years. It's the parents money so returned in stages to help with upbringing. Payment can be 'saved' and added  towards next child.


Must have an income of at least X amount per year (trust fund, job, investment whatever) so that there is enough to provide for the raising of a child over twenty year period. Owning home a plus


Must demonstrate parenting skills and interest and pass a certified course in child rearing. Upgrades every 5 years as child grows.


Must not have a record of criminal behavior, violence, mental abnormality, liquor, gambling, smoking or drug abuse. (add as needed)


Parents must not have any genetic trait that can be negatively combined to offspring. There are plenty of other good sperm doners out there.



Within several generations the misfit, tweaker, puppy mill douchebag, welfare mom, gangsta, FAS looser fucks will have 'bred' themselves into extinction. Every year there will be less and less welfare paid out until in about 50 years none, or very little. Crime will drop to almost nothing.

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Well dmike it must be a Canadian thing as I have nearly the exact same thoughts on parental qualifications, as an alternative to sterilization a vasectomy at birth but only reversed when the parents to be gain approval. Not only would it help drain out the genepools that should run dry, but our ever growing population could hopefully get to a number that would be globally sustainable.

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