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INSMNCS: John Cain

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Yeah, I'm not sure the above gun chart is correct.  Pretty sure Gandhi didn't think guns were a great idea.  And not that I'm turning this political, but Obama hasn't really done a lot to ban guns.  Certainly not Brady Bill fervor.

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Any way you could squeeze this guy in on the bottom line?






That is soooo unfair. 


Walter Wright has never said you shouldn't be allowed to own guns. (Well, I may have said that criminals and mental defect people shouldn't own guns or allowed to go and buy them) 


In fact I was asked by a fellow office worker to be his sponsor for an FAC years ago so he could register his guns. Known him 20 years and sensible level headed as they come. Had to answer pages of background questions and sign it. The guy I work directly with daily has some rifles maybe a hand gun or two maybe or would like one. We plan to take them/one with us next time we work out of town. Got some old propane cylinders to blow up.


The problem with this...






...Is that as soon as you try to restrict criminals and mental patients from getting a gun everyone goes ape shit. When there's a shooting they say shit like " See!!! See??? This is why we should all be armed!!!!!. This would never have happened."  That's like saying that to prevent being run over by a drunk you should own and be in a car too. Maybe only drunks should be walking.

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The only thing as closed minded, and scary as fringe left "neo-Marxists" gun control, is fringe right "neo-fascists" gun rites.

Like so many important issues facing this country, the 2nd amendment debate has descended into absolute impasse. The conversation has gotten distorted by special interest lobbyists, and bleeding heart crusaders to the point where logic no longer has a voice. This debate has been narrowly defined as an all or nothing choice between any gun, or no gun, total freedom, or no freedom. Step back without passion and it's easy to see how ridiculous this struggle has become. Most people toss critical thinking and logic aside, choose a camp, and pretend they're making a difference by parroting the extreme viewpoint.


In any conflict of ideology, Newton's basic law of Equal and Opposite Reaction applies:

When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body. The only way to move forward is compromise, but people got their shit screwed on so fucking tight, logic doesn't stand a chance. Meanwhile, the government is not allowed to spend a penny on research, or the collection of any data on gun violence, or gun safety. Cities are outlawing hand guns for private protection, making the entire population an easy target for armed criminals. People who still have the capacity for rational thought need to step up and take the lead in framing the debate, because this absolutest fringe bullshit has to stop. The massive void in this issue on both sides is there's no faith, or trust in our government. Elect one more Obama, or a Trump and we'll  revert back to the wild West. It'd be funny if it weren't so fucking pathetic. 

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To argue that drunk driving is equal to malicious mass murder is inaccurate, inflammatory, and a bit silly. Drunk hunting is on par with drunk driving, all accidents caused by idiots who should have known better. Also both are highly illegal, yet occur in spite of the laws and consequences.


Mass automotive homicide would also be accurate. If people were driving around running over large numbers of pedestrians before committing suicide by stacking into a wall at high speed, you can guarantee that the debate would be over whether it should be harder to get a car legally, or whether we should drive large suvs by which we could stop the murderer in his tracks.


I don't really believe more laws will help much. If laws stopped illegality, then why is the war on drugs a failure. Even every day Joe schmoes "know a guy". Since drug possession can already be a felony crime, gun possession couldn't actually be much more strict. This is also why the 18th amendment failed, and why the 21st was enacted. Our culture adored the source of the problem.

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