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INSMNCS: John Cain

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Agreed.I hear these fucks at work talk about hunting all of the fuckin time so I figured watchin a moose get hit(not even killed) by a car would be no big deal. Whats disturbing to me is watching fight videos where some poor bastard is gettin stomped the fuck out after they are already unconscious. That shit makes me sad not accidently hitting a stupid animal that runs out on the road

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I do not kill animals for any reason...Including Coyotes...they all serve a purpose.



Edit: I am not a vegan. But those animals will be butchered wether i eat meat or not. If that wasn't the case (meat at the store) I would hunt for food on the table


Edit #2, Ya I agree that fighting is disturbing. Physical defense has a place, but not as entertainment(IMHO). But assuming we r the same guys you work with is a mistake...We would probably fit better into the mold of the guy that likes Datsuns at your place of business.

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I do not kill animals for any reason...Including Coyotes...they all serve a purpose

I'm not fully convinced that Humans serve a purpose. We would need to start blasting asteroids to convince me. Otherwise I see us as cancer feeding off the host until the host dies. Good morning !

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I'm not fully convinced that Humans serve a purpose. We would need to start blasting asteroids to convince me. Otherwise I see us as cancer feeding off the host until the host dies. Good morning !


That right there is the root of the disease known as liberalism, truly alarming.

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I'm not fully convinced that Humans serve a purpose. We would need to start blasting asteroids to convince me. Otherwise I see us as cancer feeding off the host until the host dies. Good morning !


That's not how evolution works.  Nothing has a "purpose."  Organisms evolve to fit a niche where they can sustain a population until the environment changes around them.  Then they change to a new niche and the old model goes extinct.


We kinda hacked the system with our technology and made ourselves fit a lot of niches.   Then we started making the niches fit us.  Eventually we'll use them up and change.  Circle of life and whatnot.


That's called etiquette



and because you get shitfaced and propose to strippers.


What can I say? I don't believe in sex before marriage.



...or unicorns, or the tooth fairy, or hobospyder.


We draw the line when it comes to watching animals being harmed by cars, as we should, but it's fine to shoot Coyotes... Because they're shit is annoying? I'm totally into hunting for food, but shooting any animal for sport is seriously fucked up human shit IMO. 


We got rid of their competition so now they compete with US for food.  Therefore they must be kept in check.

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We are animals.


Except for some bad guys.  I swear I've heard stories about Soviet plants infiltrating government agencies in the cold war, and terrorist plants getting access to dangerous places.


Apparently bad guys can be plants.

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We got rid of their competition so now they compete with US for food.  Therefore they must be kept in check.



Check? Oh yah, human's got this whole ecosystem thing all worked out. Maybe we should stop fucking with the ecosystem, that way we won't have to move to Mars.

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We are animals.


Speak for yourself.... :poke:



Check? Oh yah, human's got this whole ecosystem thing all worked out. Maybe we should stop fucking with the ecosystem, that way we won't have to move to Mars.

Check? Oh yah, human's got this whole ecosystem thing all worked out. Maybe we should stop fucking with the ecosystem, that way we won't have to move to Mars.

Yay!!!, now we can move on and stop pretending we can stop "global warming" er... "climate change"....or whatever you want to call it :)

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I own guns (mostly WW2 & older military bolt guns) but have never/will never hunt. I'm not anti-hunting, it's just not my thing. I go so far as to try and return any bugs and critters that wander into the house back to the wild - so long as they aren't biters or stingers.


I will admit to killing a black widow with extreme prejudice a week or two ago. I flipped over a car ramp I hadn't used in a while and she was about two inches away from my pinky finger. Her abdomen was damned near as big as quarter. I stomped her into the sand, spread some gravel onto the sand, ground it into her and would have pissed on her if I hadn't been in public view.

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I own guns (mostly WW2 & older military bolt guns) but have never/will never hunt. I'm not anti-hunting, it's just not my thing. I go so far as to try and return any bugs and critters that wander into the house back to the wild - so long as they aren't biters or stingers.


I will admit to killing a black widow with extreme prejudice a week or two ago. I flipped over a car ramp I hadn't used in a while and she was about two inches away from my pinky finger. Her abdomen was damned near as big as quarter. I stomped her into the sand, spread some gravel onto the sand, ground it into her and would have pissed on her if I hadn't been in public view.

shoulda done it anyways
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