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Rising Sun Badge - Oregon

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Just in case you don't know, this is still a hot button issue for WWII veterans and anyone who has served.  I don't care that much, but I'm not putting any rising sun anything on any of my vehicles due to the sensitive nature.  I know some of you guys think it's uber-cool, but I also manage a NAPA store, and I still get WWII vets coming in to buy stuff.  They don't take that lightly.  Food for thought if you're in the public eye a good portion of the time.  In truth, it's not much different than flying a Nazi flag, though the circumstances are different.

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Good point.  I hadn't considered that since I was paying more attention to the "casting/creating" aspect. 


According to Wiki......there's over a million surviving WWII vets still living.  The median age is 92 and about 600 die everyday.  I'll have to keep tabs on the youtube stats and comments.....if I find that too many viewers are offended by it, I'll probably pull it.......but, I also keep in mind that they fought and sacrificed for Reza to have the right to make what he wants.  I know it's certainly not made or meant to be a slap in the face to those that secured that right for us, but it should be considered a possible effect.

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It's one thing to honor their service,, but i refuse to Kow-tow down to them as i don't have to be nice to anyone for the sake of peddling my goods... And let's be honest here,,, 80 percent of those guys probably were at best truck drivers.. It's an emblem it doesn't signify i hate America,, or i am less of an American by having it displayed on my car..  And that is how i really feel.



  My family has served in every major conflict since "the war"  MOST in the marine corps,,  I  have a 2 nephews that served in Iraq and Afganistan,, and one has bullet scars to prove it..  And those kids i would be sincerely afraid of .. 






Just in case you don't know, this is still a hot button issue for WWII veterans and anyone who has served.  I don't care that much, but I'm not putting any rising sun anything on any of my vehicles due to the sensitive nature.  I know some of you guys think it's uber-cool, but I also manage a NAPA store, and I still get WWII vets coming in to buy stuff.  They don't take that lightly.  Food for thought if you're in the public eye a good portion of the time.  In truth, it's not much different than flying a Nazi flag, though the circumstances are different.

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I am a combat vet.
My great uncle was killed fighting Japs in WW2

The rising sun flag is the current Japanese naval ensign... hangs on ships traveling in and out of Pearl Harbor Hawaii with no issues... think this badge will be fine on your rig or wherever you decide to hang it..

This badge will be a limited run as it is very time consuming to make. It takes about two and a half hours per casting + cost of fuel + shipping.. I posted them as inexpensively as I could to give people something cool to look at.. The next casting I'm going to produce will be finned head inspection plates and fuel pump deletes for the L block.
Add my page on facebook if you would like to fallow my progress. I will be posting tech and how to articles. if casting is something you are interested in trying out message me, I'll share what I know.


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 I still have some badges that are ready to be shipped out.. when they are gone, it will be about a 3 day turn around on an individual order...
I take payment to Ashtiani27@gmail.com through paypal.. all orders are sent priority with tracking number.

35$ shipped


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Reza, you have a point.  Due to the Japanese continuing to use the basic design, it's probably not quite that bad.  I still hesitate to put it on my rigs in my extremely conservative corner of Washington state.  Might a redneck run over it with a pickup truck or a WWII vet go apeshit in my store, or worse yet, on my car.  Still though, it's a cool badge.

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Eastern Washington can be partially explained by this.

Richland High school in the Tri cities team mascot name is the bombers.   The mascot picture is a mushroom cloud.

A delegation from Japan went to the school, to ask for a mascot change, because it was politically insensitive.

the response was something like "Hell No, we did not start that war.  We finished it."

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Eastern Washington can be partially explained by this.

Richland High school in the Tri cities team mascot name is the bombers.   The mascot picture is a mushroom cloud.

A delegation from Japan went to the school, to ask for a mascot change, because it was politically insensitive.

the response was something like "Hell No, we did not start that war.  We finished it."


Now that's the America I want to see more of!!!!!!   That might have been insensitive to the Japanese people themselves, but "politically insensitive"?????  Not a chance!!!!  It was the politicians that were responsible.  Hmmm.....of course I grew up in Spokane, WA.....far eastern WA! LOL!!!  Just might have to move back.....sure tired of some of Portland's BS! 

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I don't worry about it here in southern oregon where lots of hicks are everywhere especially outside the out small city most are pretty respectful as long as you are with them. I have many friends that did time serving this country both white and Latino and have some really conservative. They have there opinions I have mine but we never bumped heads I respect there opinion but this is a free country and I won't kneel down to someone who did service in the military just a good respectful thanks. Medford is a retirement area so we have lots of vets just plain ol' great people but since a lot other people from other states been moving in crime has gone way up the diversity here has changed a lot since I was in highschool.

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