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any ford mechanics?

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gee thanks guys for the fast response.

and eastbay good one, im not very fond of fords hahah expecially the 3valve spark plugs :(


car came in after sitting for 5 years.

99 e150 5.4L

crank no start. 0 fuel pressure. no power to inertia switch.


sorry if I ramble


on the wiring diagram the pcm power relay is supposed to power up the fuel pump relay to pin 85. or atleast that's what ive gathered.



I left all my findings at work so trying to go off my head


both relays have power at pin 30 like supposed to.


now pcm power relay has power at 85 and is supposed to have ground at 86 but theres no ground, and its a body ground not a pcm provided ground or anything. checked all the wires from the fuse box. cleaned the g101 ground that the diagram showed. still nothing.so I jumped it to ground now the relay clicks.


fuel pump relay has power at pin 30 obviously.

but still no power at 85, and the ground for 86 for that relay is pcm provided.


im thinking bad pcm, but that doesn't explain no power to 85 still on the fuel pump relay so the pcm can give it ground and then send power to the fuel pump obviously.


sorry if I make no sense maybe I can get pictures tomorrow if the boss isn't around to maybe make it easier.

of the diagram and the connections for the relays

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On a 99 F150, 86 is Key hot ign or start., 85 is PCM ground. Then 30 is from the power distribution switch. 87 goes to the PCM and it goes to the inertia fuel cutoff switch. This switch has to be manually reset if it gets triggered (for collisions). It appears the switch is connected to a light on the dash as well if it gets triggered. From the switch it goes to the fuel pump.



So when you manually ground the FP relay, do you get power at the inertia switch?

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I wish I had the paper I have at work.

I might have to wait and get back to you tomorrow when I have everything in front of me. so im not going off my head


the ground for the fp relay is pcm provided pin 86. if I remember correctly.

I have power at 30

im missing power at 85 which is from the pcm power relay. even when I manually ground the pcm relay cause that one was missing its ground in the first place which is a body ground

and the 87 goes to the inertia switch to pump

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