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J13 flywheel? intake,ex manifold?

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I hope the flywheel could be usable if it fits, but its all for fitup anyway.


I'm trying to see if I can do a clutch swap for the bigger j13 clutch on a 320 truck. I'm looking for a used J13 flywheel, and clutch plate and pressure plate.


As far as I can tell a flywheel from a 410?,411, 520, 521 w/ J13 may fit.

I'm looking for a wear surface and clutch plate of 200mm or 7-7/8"


Just checking out differences between j13 intake and exhaust- it mught flow more on my 320.


Get rid of some old junk and help me out.


Thanks, Scott

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Well, you can use the J13 flywheel and clutch, but then you would need to use the J13 transmission as the input splines on the clutch disk are different.


And the J13 transmission is VERY different than the stock 320 transmission.


You cannot use a J13 exhaust manifold in a 320. It won't clear the steering gearbox. The only one that fits is that peashooter one off the E1.

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Still looking..

I can deal with the clutch disc issue-

by finding one that could work or having the earl;y hub rebuilt with the later plates and facings. I am more concerned with the column shift release bearing setup and clearances. I plan to do a test fit when I get a flywheel and some used parts.


I am curious about the exhaust issue- as a mgb exhaust will fit with an electric pump. Does the J13 exhaust hit the steering tube? or the fuel pump? or the steering box?

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