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Black nail polish ginger wearing a mask because co-vid but roots around in tweaker shit, pissy carpet and underwear.  Favorite book is 'Codependent No More' but lives with his mom. Car theft causes him to actually look through his car, first time in years, doesn't realize that all that shit is his.

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Sees right to me. Icehouse is the day before me. I'm member #9 and you are #213 In a thumb nail: This was just after Icehouse left NWDE as they were not willing to expand and improve their web site. They wanted to just have meets in a coffee shop but the site membership was expanding quickly and did not serve us very well at all. With help from Thomas, a new forum was opened with the 'mission statement' of being like a garage with people working on their Datsuns and visitors welcome to drop by, have a beer and help, or just talk Datsuns. With that, all or most of the old NWDE site membership deserted the ship and moved to Ratsun. The new site would not be funded by advertising space like many others and Jeff pays for everything out of his own pocket. A considerable amount I might add and should be kept in mind. Donations are welcome to his PayPal account. You'll have to contact him about that if so interested.   


At present...

75,800 topics

1,700,000 total posts 

Over half a million  in General Discussion

260,000 in Trucks

Over 200,000 in Project Datto

149,000 in Cars



Not sure how Co-Vid may have skewed the numbers but:


New members in past 6 months:

June, 26 increasing month by month to a peak of 60 in September slowly dropping to 39 as of Jan 1st. So far this month 15 new mebers on the 3rd and 17 on the tenth and the month isn't near over. Members come and they go, some stay and regularly contribute. I don't have any figures on active members. What constitutes an active member?


Currently there are 11 members and 82 guests online as I write this.





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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I don't have any figures on active members. What constitutes an active member?


Posting once a month or more?


Also know several people who read threads all the time, but never post, so...  😄


I know one forum I admin for, we would go through every once in awhile and remove old dormant accounts...

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15 hours ago, datsunfreak said:


Wasn't that counter reset in 2007 when they switched software? Mine says 15 years ago, but I know it has been longer than that...


Jeez 12 years and I know I lurked for significantly longer before that. Where has the time (and cheap Datsun parts) gone to?

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2007 seems right to me. Maybe Jeff will read and chime in.... but yes we have had multiple forum changes and up-grades.


Here's a link to the old NWDE site...



You can poke around. there are some 2006 posts, maybe if you search you'll find where Icehouse jumped ship or discussed NWDE not wanting to implement forum upgrades.

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