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"Many may be sensitive to FODMAPs, or fermentable oligo-, di-, and monosaccharides and polyols, which are certain types of carbohydrates including wheat, lentils, and mushrooms that can draw water into the intestine and potentially ferment, causing digestive problems for some people."




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If your doctor based your blood test on what "most people" have, then you need to find a new doctor.


The report I linked to said about 1%.  That means in a group the size of Ratsun, there should be a couple hundred cases.  If you extend that out to people that Ratsuners know, then that's thousands.


What Draker was getting at was that "most people" who say that they're gluten intolerant, haven't been tested.  They've noticed that eating things with gluten made their belly hurt.  Then they stopped that and it didn't hurt.  That doesn't mean that gluten is the problem. 


As for GMOs,  I doubt anyone here would recognize the plants and animals that we ate before people started messing with the bloodlines in order to get a better product.

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What the fuck is wrong with GMO? Agree with Draker almost none have celiac, it's extremely rare. I think almost everyone has or may develop a slight sensitivity to gluten. I avoid excessive wheat consumption. We've only been eating cereal grains for 7-10K years not nearly enough to evolve to it. Even then it was just a 'grass' and has been selectively bred (or genetically modified) for higher yields and resistance to disease and pests. So what's the big deal about GMO? We've been doing this ever since we started domesticating plants and animals.

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Oh and Genetically modified corn is a big problem And the fact that we feed corn to livestock is also the problem. Per say there's not really anything to wrong with most GMOs however the problem is GMO corn that stops Natural things in the soil from killing the corn.

And other stuff. Such as roundup ready corn.


If you don't know that live stock shouldn't be eating corn. Yes they can eat corn. But come come now wild cows don't eat corn.

They can't Digest it properly.


However. GMO tomatoes are all good. Just have yet to be put onto the market.


Any who come at I'm waiting.

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Faulty reasoning.  Any time the word FACT is in a sentence expect more that the usual density of bullshit. 


This increase is caused by having a generation of whiners. People today are whiny cunts. Never used to be like that when I was young. OOooooooh I'm lactose intolerant and sooooo special. Oooooooh I'm Celiac. Drink soy eat rice and stfu. 




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What the fuck is wrong with GMO? Agree with Draker almost none have celiac, it's extremely rare. I think almost everyone has or may develop a slight sensitivity to gluten. I avoid excessive wheat consumption. We've only been eating cereal grains for 7-10K years not nearly enough to evolve to it. Even then it was just a 'grass' and has been selectively bred (or genetically modified) for higher yields and resistance to disease and pests. So what's the big deal about GMO? We've been doing this ever since we started domesticating plants and animals.

What's wrong is not the science, but industry. The modifications they develop allow the use of more herbicides, less rounded fertilizers, and depleted soils. GMO produce has severely deficient nutritional value. Again, this is not directly due to genetic modifications, but it fuels an industry driven by profit. Thus, cheapest operations, largest yield wins. This puts pesticides, herbicides and fungicides in our food. This is the problem. Our bodies are constantly inflamed and our immunoresponse is unable to handle normal inflammatory foods, such as grains. This leads to a direct immunorrsponse to that source of inflammation. Look into studies on children who used soy based milk supplement vs. organic milk supplement.

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Pictured:  A cow, wheat, a big nightshade berry, old milk, leaves



This is more dangerous than GMO's. Salty processed garbage. Yet... so delicious.


I talked to Dr. Atif Zaman, MD MPH (Vice Chair of Medicine,Professor of Medicine, Vice Chair of Medicine, Section Chief, OHSU Divsion of Gastroenterology at OHSU in Portland) and asked him specifically about GMO's.


His response... A large GMO carrot has the same nutrients as a small organic carrot, one is not worse for you than the other but you have to eat more of the GMO carrot to get the same amount of nutrients as the small carrot. He recommended to stop eating processed food. Or at the very least, eat less processed food. That is the danger and research has shown it can cause of many types of cancers. Arguably much more dangerous.







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