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^that is awesome!  Really awesome.  My line of expertise so game reconize game!  Did you fold over those corners?   I’ve seen that router bit that cuts a v for a 90deg. corner, less 1/16 or so.  Makes clean corners.  I don’t have 1.  

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1 hour ago, tr8er said:

^that is awesome!  Really awesome.  My line of expertise so game reconize game!  Did you fold over those corners?   I’ve seen that router bit that cuts a v for a 90deg. corner, less 1/16 or so.  Makes clean corners.  I don’t have 1.  

I didn't fold them, but I did miter all of them.  I haven't tried the folding idea.  The boards are all just under 17-1/16" tall, so I screwed my short track saw track down in a permanent square setup and cut them all that way.  Having done the sub-paneling/carcasses, things were already pretty good ?  The doors are all solid core on pivots, 107" x 36-3/4".  I embedded neo magnets into the doors & stop so there are no exposed catches to hold the doors in the closed position.  3 of the 4 are cabinets like the one I pictured, while one is a man door and swings the opposite direction.  Had to redesign that a little bit since originally it was supposed to swing out like the rest, but they wanted it to swing in, so there was no accommodation for any kind of stop.

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4 hours ago, VFR800 said:






That is not only great quality but great taste in choice of materials and style.   



3 hours ago, KELMO said:

Agreed, that is some serious badassery right there.



Thanks!  btw, the material is rift sawn white oak (veneer over MDF & classic core plywood, which is a typical veneer core ply with a layer of mdf under the final veneer)

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My dad, a baby boomer from the first world war, about 19 at the time, watched the battle of Britain from the back of his tractor. He tried to enlist but they wouldn't accept farmers, they were "too important to the war effort". My mom was a nurse in London during the blitz. The stories she told....

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My grandfather was 15 years old and he tried....he got enlisted and he went thru basic training and then his dad came and pulled him out as he was not old enough to go to war...or so the story goes. I have a picture of him in his Army uniform and with big swollen lip and cheek from getting in a  fight during basic training.


Crazy war it was.



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Dubya Dubya One I had two relatives who served in the Army.


One was my Great Grandfather who was sent to Egypt with the Light Horse Regiment and not one month in got syphillis from whore/s and was sent home.


Somehow he managed to get back in (unsure if he used a brothers birth certificate or was allowed back as himself) and then when over got in trouble for ironically being at the front line and not with his unit who was a combat support unit though he was not sent home for that transgression.


Apparently he was a wild character who amongst one of his working jobs was as a teamster  - drive animals and logs via horses etc and then before his death he was a farmer. 


The other relative was an Uncle who served also in the Army but cannot recall what he did specifically.  Can recall seeing a photo of him my Father had of him in his uniform. 



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All we have are the oral recollections passed down by those that lived through it. Books (forget movies!!!) deal in condensed generalities and are one person's often biased view and specially if they weren't actually there. Winners gets to write history. I found No End Save Victory a refreshing read of short essays by people actually there. WW II is slowly disappearing from living memory.

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Somewhere around here I have my grandfathers "draft" card (or maybe selective service), From WW1. It was from 1918 so was pretty close to the end of the war.

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