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Christmas eve I ordered takeout from a local Chinese restaurant, cause Covid they allow 1 person at a time to deal with a self serve computer screen at the entrance to order and pay etc. You find your phone number select and pay.

 I freak out cause I see my number has 2 orders and the second is for $162 on top of the $60 first order so I get the owners / cashier's attention and tell her I only wanted the first order I don't know what happened to get that large of a mistake order, so she goes running back to the kitchen yelling in Chinese with her arms waving over her head, while this is happening there are 3 or 4 people waiting in line behind me all staring. When she comes back she says okay just pay the one you want, as I'm paying she calls out the last 4 digits of my phone number the order is ready and a guy behind me say's " here! " and goes to look at the order and says I don't think that's mine its not enough food. I told him I think its mine she called my number and he says she called my number, I said my number is 345-xxxx and he says mine is 419-xxxx and it hit me Doah!


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36 minutes ago, Dav said:

Are afghan women required to have beards?





It would be difficult to tell, seeing as how they are so fucking ugly their men force them to cover up head to toe.

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2 hours ago, Dav said:

Are afghan women required to have beards?




1 hour ago, Racer X 69 said:



It would be difficult to tell, seeing as how they are so fucking ugly their men force them to cover up head to toe.


Racist pricks. Totally inappropriate and politically incorrect.


The two in the middle are trans gender women. The face mask hides the fact they don't have beards or an adam's apple. Guy, second from the right, is looking at them funny because he can't ever remember seeing either one of them shaggin' a goat.

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It's fun to be in if skating, snowmobiling, skiing or snowshoeing for sport but, not much fun dealing with it if you have to be out or going somewhere and always there is the added danger of being caught out in it when you don't want to be. It's the other end of the spectrum from a heat wave. When compressed under foot or tire it becomes ice, when melting it is slush, which is arguably worse. It is far and away 10 or more times harder to stop on than rain and stopping distances easily misjudged. There is no worse feeling than that long slide towards another vehicle or ditch frantically trying to repeal the laws of inertia with mere prayer. Or watching another vehicle coming towards you! Unlike rain that flows away, snow can accumulate and trap a vehicle and obscures visibility when falling and wind can pile it to any height. The cheapest method of removal is salt which depreciates your vehicle's value. Snow should be appreciated only on a distant mountain top.  

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9 hours ago, bilzbobaggins said:


Damn man.  I want to spend one winter in my lifetime dealing with snow.  Ive most likely only seen a cumulative total of 24 inches in my lifetime.

you are very welcome to shovel my drive way, lol It's so Fnn cold right now (5 degree's) that the snow is like flour, it's not packing well, sort of like loose dry sand but with no traction. Went to town yesterday in the 05 Camry and almost got stuck at the intersection and my drive way. Plow trucks havn't even come close to our area yet. Their concentrating on the main traffic streets. My neighbor is coming over today with his snow blower, just in time, we got another snow storm hitting us tomorrow for the next 3 days. 

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We've had 4" every week for 3 weeks and stayed at or below freezing so it barely sublimates. Usually it rains or turns to rain and is gone in 2-3 days. So about 8-10" of old snow and nothing since Wednesday. I'm on a bus route, cleared but packed sandy layer on road. Main roads clear with packed sandy snow down the middle. I have to bring the humming bird feeders in after dark to thaw for the morning. One of the bird feeders is fucked and/or they are messy feeders and waste it all over the ground. The other night I saw a rat making a meal of it. He took off swimming across the snow and I fucked him up good with my walking stick. The house two lots up is abandoned.

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6 hours ago, 420n620 said:

you are very welcome to shovel my drive way, lol It's so Fnn cold right now (5 degree's) that the snow is like flour, it's not packing well, sort of like loose dry sand but with no traction. Went to town yesterday in the 05 Camry and almost got stuck at the intersection and my drive way. Plow trucks havn't even come close to our area yet. Their concentrating on the main traffic streets. My neighbor is coming over today with his snow blower, just in time, we got another snow storm hitting us tomorrow for the next 3 days. 


Hey old man,, you need to get yourself a old tractor .. that way all your neighbors SEE you sipping your drink of choice whilst having fun in the snow scraping the drive as jagoff McMansion dwellers that live down the road ,,, drive by and not theirs  .. Well unless they buy you Chinese food ,, then it’s an investment. 




Edited by bananahamuck
Fuck it ,, you don’t know me,, I do what I what
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I spent time on a farm in rural Ontario. Spent all day digging out the driveway to the road in blowing snow. No plough. Next day driveway buried even deeper because of the windrow of snow from the first time. Doug it out and parked car at the end. Plough didn't go by for three more days. Snowmobiles dropped by to check on us. Fuck that fucking shit!!!

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16 hours ago, bilzbobaggins said:


Damn man.  I want to spend one winter in my lifetime dealing with snow.  Ive most likely only seen a cumulative total of 24 inches in my lifetime.


We get about 1 maybe 2 heavy snows every year and the beauty of living here is warm air 40+ usually rolls in about 4-5 days and it goes away . Or at least turns to liquid in day so easy to move around ..





Edited by bananahamuck
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17 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

I spent time on a farm in rural Ontario. Spent all day digging out the driveway to the road in blowing snow. No plough. Next day driveway buried even deeper because of the windrow of snow from the first time. Doug it out and parked car at the end. Plough didn't go by for three more days. Snowmobiles dropped by to check on us. Fuck that fucking shit!!!


yeah ,, last year I used my 4x4 Kubota with a bucket loader and it took all day doing my neighbors and mine because snow was so deep..

    then it snowed again almost as much and on top of that snowplows dumped all that nights snow back into entrances again. 


was Snowmagedon last year? 

man I hadn’t had that size snow piles in yard since forever ago. 

Edited by bananahamuck
Stupid phone is stupid
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28 minutes ago, bananahamuck said:


We get about 1 maybe 2 heavy snows every year and the beauty of living here is warm air 40+ usually rolls in about 4-5 days and it goes away . Or at least turns to liquid in day so easy to move around ..






About the same but rain takes it away, usually. Maybe the pineapple express going around the Olympics on the north side causes a low pressure on the south that draws all the liberal hot air up from California.






On the farm we did it by hand while it was blowing in. You know how if you take too big a bight of ice cream you get a 'brain freeze'? Well it was like that with the wind on your face.

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       This is backwards - the West Coast is getting slammed,

& we haven't had any snow yet.It was 68 degrees on Christmas-


           I bought my truck ('95 Dakota 4WD) and haven't even put

it in 4WD once.I actually enjoy driving in the snow,when it's just a

few inches of powder,& no ice.

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22 hours ago, bananahamuck said:


Hey old man,, you need to get yourself a old tractor .. that way all your neighbors SEE you sipping your drink of choice whilst having fun in the snow scraping the drive as jagoff McMansion dwellers that live down the road ,,, drive by and not theirs  .. Well unless they buy you Chinese food ,, then it’s an investment. 





What year is your N?


Mine is a 48. I've used it for clearing snow, but was always too whipped afterwards to take pictures. I do have other photos of it though, like way back when I used ot for mowing with a 6 foot finish mower.


27418738792_3a19f4e52f_b.jpgSuper Mower by Racer, on Flickr


I retired it from mowing duties a few years ago when I picked up a Kubota L260 to take over the mowing. Now the N pulls a wagon when it is time to clean up winter downfall, grades the driveway, or pulls the aerator on the lawn.


29820873492_e5f3d728fc_b.jpgN By The River by Racer, on Flickr


29900917906_0537cd9418_b.jpgN By The River by Racer, on Flickr

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On 12/31/2021 at 10:53 AM, datzenmike said:



Racist pricks. Totally inappropriate and politically incorrect.




But I'm not so ashamed of my woman that I make her cover herself up.


On 12/31/2021 at 10:53 AM, datzenmike said:


The two in the middle are trans gender women. The face mask hides the fact they don't have beards or an adam's apple. Guy, second from the right, is looking at them funny because he can't ever remember seeing either one of them shaggin' a goat.


Looks like they have been drooling too.

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