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GBs comments were about AL and yes ill thought out. They were not directed at the Ratsun membership but as I said ill thought out and bound to cause some resentment. If Al has a show planned that same weekend and you're pissed off at GB then go to it. I'll likely continue to go to Canby this summer, as will most others, but not because I don't think Al was wronged by certain comments. The OP of this thread asked me to close it long ago but I left it to see where it would go. Now it's just bashing DNW for having GB as a member. Not really doing any good.

And so ends the saga of the 2015 Canby Truck. RIP
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My wife is fearless. Has terrified many a head waiter who rolled his eyes at the wine choice. I hid under the table till it was over just hoping he didn't spit into my gravy..



Sometimes they take a visit to the bathroom for the "extra thick" gravy. 


Dependent on how pissed off a customer makes them.

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Wait......what?, few days ago we suggested that thread be locked....Mike said no because it's to the discretion of the OP.......now he admits Al has asked for it to be locked long time ago....WTF


'We' didn't suggest it, mrbigtanker did at 9:13 AM the 23rsd. I said...



"Not your decision to lock this thread, but understand you. This is up to the OP Denmarkboy (Al) He has a say in it don't you think not just everything from DNW?"


There followed about 60+ posts (including a rebuttal by the OP with more info) until I got home from work the same day to find a request to lock it by the OP. By this time things were taking off and things emerging about what was going on so it was left open for further comments including three? by Loren O for clarity. After a further 60 posts and 4 days it was closed.




1/ If you had a thread would you want it closed because someone else or several people told me to close it? (other than for a good reason?) No, if there is no good reason to close a thread it will likely stay open.



2/ If you had a thread would you want me closing it? (other than a for good reason?) Again, no, if there is no good reason to close a thread it will likely stay open.



3/ What if you had a thread you asked to be closed? If there is no good reason to keep it open, or a good reason to close it, it would likely be closed per your wishes, but, if I thought topical or important enough, I might over ride your wishes and keep it open.

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I remember posting several times to lock it if I recall correctly...whatevs dude.... :thumbup:


You don't recall correctly. It was only once after GB comment. 


You can ask to lock your own thread if you don't like where it's going and I might accommodate you, no problem.  You can't say to lock someone else's thread because you don't like it or where it's going. Not without a good reason would I do this. It would instead be a suggestion dully noted..... dude.  

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