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The way to control overpopulation would be a real full scale war with massive collateral damage instead of the crap they call war these days





        NUKE EM ALL


N1A1  pandemic. It's easier on the environment.... except for the greenhouse gasses from 2 billion decomposing bodies.

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Hey mister coconut milk guy,,,,,, i looked up what coconut milk was ............. It's about 23%  saturated fat..  FUCK!! You might as well be drinking cups full of liquid pig fat mixed with butter,,, made sweet enough to drink by adding a shit ton of processed sugar..



Fuckin Greeners


Here's what urban hippie science liberals say about coconut milk.


Not all saturated fats are the same.  The size of the carbon chain in fatty acid is what makes the difference. Coconut oil is the richest natural source of medium-chain fatty acid, which is digested very differently from the long-chain versions like in "pig fat mixed with butter." Medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are broken down immediately in the liver to produce energy and are not stored as fat. It actually boost the body's metabolic rate and promote weight loss. 


I am not a spokesman for urban hippie science liberals, but I play one on Ratsun. 

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Coconut milk is 25% saturated fat ,,, then they add  carbohydrates (. Sugar has been linked to obesity, and suspected of, or fully implicated as a cause in the occurrence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, macular degeneration, and tooth decay.)  to make it taste like food.  unsaturated fat is the good fat ,,,,,,,,,,, such as polyunsaturated  or monounsaturated fats


Your argument is not backed up by science ,,,


  Hippies believed they could all live together with love too........... Yeah that worked out for you lazy fuckers didn't it??

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Coconut milk is 25% saturated fat ,,, then they add  carbohydrates (. Sugar has been linked to obesity, and suspected of, or fully implicated as a cause in the occurrence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, macular degeneration, and tooth decay.)  to make it taste like food.  unsaturated fat is the good fat ,,,,,,,,,,, such as polyunsaturated  or monounsaturated fats


Your argument is not backed up by science ,,,


  Hippies believed they could all live together with love too........... Yeah that worked out for you lazy fuckers didn't it??

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Coconut Milk and Health Facts


Doctors recommend coconut milk for health.


Coconut milk health benefits are mentioned in Traditional Medicine for the human body. It is also used for the treatment of mouth ulcers.


Coconut milk has many minerals, vitamins and electrolytes such as calcium, potassium and chloride.


Coconut is a dairy free alternative to those who are lactose intolerant and are also allergic to animal milk. This milk is also nut free, soy free and gluten free.


It is known to relieve the symptoms of sore throat.


It is good for the health of your skin and hair. Many cosmetic giants use it as a base in products for skin and hair.


Apply coconut milk to the scalp to have dandruff free hair and condition your hair naturally.


Coconut milk is a reservoir of antioxidants. Antioxidants help the body fight aging, low vision and low bone density.


It also aids in digestion and is also used as a laxative. It can also be a remedy for urinary and kidney problems.


If your skin has been exposed to the harsh rays of the sun for a long period and this has caused a rash or a sunburn; coconut milk is an instant healer. Have a bath in coconut milk or apply the milk to the rash and leave it overnight; the milk has cooling properties that will help get rid of the dryness and itchiness of the rash. Wash it off in the morning with cold water.


Coconut milk is an excellent source of Vitamin E. It helps in the nourishment of the skin. You benefit from it in both ways by consuming or by applying the milk to your skin.



Coconut Milk Has Healthy Fats


Coconut milk is a good source of natural fat for the body.


The saturated fat content in coconut is made up of short and medium chain fatty acids.


These fatty acids are quickly converted in to energy instead of storing as fat in the body.


The medium chain fatty acids present in coconut milk are full of lauric acid.


Lauric acid is anti fungal, anti viral and anti microbial. Coconut milk helps to boost your immune system.


Lauric acid present in coconut milk, helps to keep the arteries of the heart clean and healthy.


The sugar content of coconut milk is high.


One glass of coconut milk fulfills the sugar need of the body.

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Or maybe don't buy the ones with a fuck ton more sugar added.



Coconut Milk Side Effects


Coconut is a nutritious source of fiber and essential vitamins. The fruit provides coconut milk, oil, juice, water and flesh, which can be eaten fresh or dried. Although it provides a number of health benefits, coconut oil has high amount of saturated fat, which can lead to high cholesterol or weight gain. In rare instances, consuming coconut may cause an allergic reaction.



Consuming excessive amounts of coconut meat, oil or milk may lead to weight gain. Coconut flesh has 187 calories per ounce, while coconut milk has 445 calories per cup. High amounts of saturated fat in coconut may also contribute to weight gain. To avoid eating too much fat, limit your daily intake to 25 to 35 percent of your caloric intake.



People who suffer from food allergies, especially tree nut allergies, should consume coconut with caution. Coconut is considered a tree nut by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Manufactured foods that contain coconut generally carry a warning that the product contains tree nuts. Most people who are allergic to coconut react to the proteins in the fruit, not the oil. Coconut oil allergies are rare, but may be life-threatening.



High cholesterol levels can cause blockage in your arteries, which leads to cardiovascular issues. Coronary artery disease is caused by a blockage or narrowing of coronary arteries that pump blood to your heart. Limit your intake of foods that contain coconut oil if you suffer from high cholesterol or are at risk of cardiovascular disease. Avoid processed or fried foods that contain high amounts of coconut oil or excessive consumption of coconut meat or milk.

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Coconut Milk and Health Facts


Doctors recommend coconut milk for health.


Coconut milk health benefits are mentioned in Traditional Medicine for the human body. It is also used for the treatment of mouth ulcers.


Coconut milk has many minerals, vitamins and electrolytes such as calcium, potassium and chloride.


Coconut is a dairy free alternative to those who are lactose intolerant and are also allergic to animal milk. This milk is also nut free, soy free and gluten free.


It is known to relieve the symptoms of sore throat.


It is good for the health of your skin and hair. Many cosmetic giants use it as a base in products for skin and hair.


Apply coconut milk to the scalp to have dandruff free hair and condition your hair naturally.


Coconut milk is a reservoir of antioxidants. Antioxidants help the body fight aging, low vision and low bone density.


It also aids in digestion and is also used as a laxative. It can also be a remedy for urinary and kidney problems.


If your skin has been exposed to the harsh rays of the sun for a long period and this has caused a rash or a sunburn; coconut milk is an instant healer. Have a bath in coconut milk or apply the milk to the rash and leave it overnight; the milk has cooling properties that will help get rid of the dryness and itchiness of the rash. Wash it off in the morning with cold water.


Coconut milk is an excellent source of Vitamin E. It helps in the nourishment of the skin. You benefit from it in both ways by consuming or by applying the milk to your skin.



Coconut Milk Has Healthy Fats


Coconut milk is a good source of natural fat for the body.


The saturated fat content in coconut is made up of short and medium chain fatty acids.


These fatty acids are quickly converted in to energy instead of storing as fat in the body.


The medium chain fatty acids present in coconut milk are full of lauric acid.


Lauric acid is anti fungal, anti viral and anti microbial. Coconut milk helps to boost your immune system.


Lauric acid present in coconut milk, helps to keep the arteries of the heart clean and healthy.


The sugar content of coconut milk is high.


One glass of coconut milk fulfills the sugar need of the body.


Can you buy it off the back of a wagon ?? 






Does it also cure in-grown toe nails ,, epilepsy and the gout ??



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