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He got a tattoo of a bigger dick on his dick.

Lol..... no. She got a goblin shark on her lower arm, I finished my lower sock with a couch potato ape drinking a pop eating a bag of chips and playing vids with his feet. Getting some details and background on Jan 12th then I'll have pics

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Free, but people are too lazy to refill a fucking bottle


Shit, in 711 before the 50something retail lifer behind the counter told me I wasn't allowed to refil a jug I had cause they sold water. I laughed took all the snacks I had grabbed for the hiway drive I was heading on waited for him to ring it all in then said, o actually I am gonna go to macs cause the people who work there aren't dicks.

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(macs is Mack's Milk, a Canadian 7/11 type chain)


Bottled water is nothing but a fashion accessory that cool to be seen with. Has it's uses but 99.999998% of the time it's a total waste of time, gas and plastic. My wife used to buy it all the time until I told her it was just plain wrong. Said she could haul 30 pounds of useless water in from the car. Stopped almost over night.

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Maybe you city folk have pleasant water but our well water smells like a frog is swimming in it when it's in a glass.   We use tap water for everything (even cooking)  but if i wanted to smell sulfur when i'm having a sip i would rather go to Yellow stone park.  You can't even make ice out of our tap water without it turning your drink into a stinkbug cocktail.

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What about a water filter like Britta?


When I was 8 I lived on a farm and the water was so sulphur it was yellowish. The pigs didn't have a choice and we used it for the toilet flush. We had a cistern  installed and a water truck came in monthly.

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We gave up filtering water here early in the 90s,, cost just to much in the long run.. Like i mentioned we use it for everything but actual drinking,,, except maybe when outside drinking from hose on hot afternoon..  Hell i think the sulfur and iron might be what makes the wife's spaghetti taste so good.  

   But put that shit in a cup where your nose can take in all the distinct aromas   and whooooa boy :sick:


When we first bought this dump in late 89  i asked the neighbor if his water tasted weird,,, he said no it tastes normal... Ok,,,,,,,,,,,, skip ahead to 96 when after getting property back in settlement  after wife kicked him out for about 2-3 years,,,,,,,,, comes over,,,,,,, does your water taste like frogs?? 

        Yep. always has. :rofl:

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Bottled water is nothing but a fashion accessory that cool to be seen with. Has it's uses but 99.999998% of the time it's a total waste of time, gas and plastic. 


Quite,it was heavily advertised and propogandised till people accepted they needed to buy it for [insert personal reason here].


I have about 5 or so plastic bottles I simply refill and re-use until they wear it (which is a long time). 

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There is too many other things in the 1st to repeal it. Maybe someone wanted to amend the amendment?.... good luck on that. If there is a separation of church and state then any religious mention should stay out of anything federal. If one is in, all should be in, and no one would stand for that. Not saying 'Christmas' is just a PC thing by the limp wristed retailers who don't want to offend other religions. It's all about the money. There's no law that says you can't have or celebrate your religion freely... that's a big part of the 1st. Go for it.




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Years ago we had a flat on our work van. While changing the tire we saw this, above. Pad was gone on one side and metal to metal on the fins.Took it in and the Ford dealer replaced both sides calipers and rotors and proceeded try to give us shit for letting it get this bad. In all honesty we experienced nothing out of the ordinary while driving. It braked perfectly straight and quiet.

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