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52 shades of Groovy




Saw this today;;;;;;;;;;;; if you can't take whole thing start at about :30






IF AT WORK TURN IT THE FUCK DOWN cuz you aint crashing here !!

Did they use the N word :)


Naughty bible thumpers.

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Eat lots of fiber read and relax. Ever notice that when something leaves your body you are rewarded with a pleasant sensation?? Crapping, ejaculation, pissing, sneezing....

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Eat lots of fiber read and relax. Ever notice that when something leaves your body you are rewarded with a pleasant sensation?? Crapping, ejaculation, pissing, sneezing....

I hate sneezing. And strangely enough, ejaculating
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I hate sneezing. And strangely enough, ejaculating


Then your doing it wrong, both of them.


Soul leaves = death, heaven as reward?


I can barely conceive of a soul. If I lived several lifetimes I might believe there is such a thing, but heaven? The biblical heaven? no way. Too much perfection would be torture. The boredom level would be off the charts. Nothing goes wrong every happiness. Blah blah blah. How would you deal with meeting your ex wive(s)??? Kids you didn't know you had. The ones that never made it to 'kids'? All the evil you may have done (even though now forgiven) Your soul would have to be cleansed of all emotion to prevent emotional or physical turmoil. You could never survive as you are and think right now. You would be a blissful slug basking in the sun for eternity, no cares or worries......  

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I have experienced to much ghost type activity to deny the possibility of some form of after life. Plus there is a measurable electronic charge when our brain is active, if it is simply that electric force unconfined by tissue I could buy that, however an actual destination with puffy clouds and fat flying baby's playing pin the tail on the lovebirds is a different story.

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