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A guerrilla fighter (or terrorist) has every advantage when waring with his opponent. Every advantage. He chooses the time, place, method, devices, arms and more. He walks among the people that the opponent is protecting disguised as one of them. Has access to, and is cloaked and protected by the very laws that protect all in a 'free' society. Their currency is fear more than all out damage to the opponent, turning the populace against the government who have the unenviable position of being the most visible to blame.


The government has to protect against an infinite number of methods of attack, the guerrilla has to choose but one to be successful. YOU have no idea what goes on day after day in every country of the world to protect and keep you safe so you can complain about some kid handcuffed in Texas. Over reaction? It would seem so, as seen by one of the cattle in the corral protected from wolves by the farmer. Well that kid won't try that again.. nor anyone else with a spoonful of brains who sees this. It's just one more method of attack exposed and closed. A terrorist is going to find it harder to send his kid to school with a 'device' now after seeing that reaction.

You are correct! My only wish is that we put more effort into not creating enemies. Out war on terrorism is generating generations of hate. We will be held accountable for lifetimes.

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Military terminologies wise using the word "war" on anything like terrorism or drugs will give the general populace the idea that there's a start and end to the idealogy or threat that is being fought.


War on Drugs.


War on Terror.


Both things have dimensions to them that preclude there being a simple beginning and end. 

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So. I fucking hate going to Walmart and haven't been in years, but today sears was out of camping fuel, and Walmart was the only other spot I figured would have it. Yup, they did. Awesome. Easy enough, 7:40am and not the typical Walmart zoo. I buy it. Now I'm walking out and a dude is standing at the door checking everyone's cart and receipt. I'm carrying a can of white gas and a receipt. He asks to see it. Okay fine. Then as I walk to my car I realize he has no right to do so. At least I feel he doesn't. I've purchased my gas. I own it. He has no reasonable suspicion. Why do I need to stop walking? Do I? What do you guys think?

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Our walmart has started doing the check receipt thing,,,,( their story is since the anti plastic bag law passed they don't know if you bought the shit) ,, if i have something i don't need receipt for,,, I almost hand them receipt but let go before they grab it........... Watch them pick it up....... and i have said on more than one occasion,, " i aint going to touch that after you did,, how the fuck do i know where your hands have been."  ,,,,  Fuck -um


BTW.. Fred Meyers in the same god damn parking lot doesn't do it..

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Costco is fine,, but when the person is standing within 20 feet of you ,, sees you in line,, and you SEE them SEE you in line,, as their only job is to see people coming out,  not to greet people,, you walk up to them with a bag of chips and a pop,, and still does it..  Hogwash!!

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What if everyone started refusing???? and then walked past them??? I don't think legally they can touch you or detain you without cause. Detain on suspicion??? maybe. Refuse to move from spot in front of Costco/WallMart w/e and certainly noy out of sight of the other customers. Scream 'illegal search!!!' Cops called to straighten it out and find nothing in the bag that wasn't paid for. Lines would back up while it's straightened out. Police time wasted for nothing, customers time wasted, everyone's time wasted.


Next day Costco/WallMart w/e changes policy. Well maybe not next day, or for one event, but if everyone took the time to resist this bullshit we could change the world.


Know what pisses me off. Paying too much to see a shitty move and not being allowed to bring in a candy bar or water. They can go fuck themselves. It costs more for shit from the concession stand that the movie. ($5 for $0.30 of popped corn??? Are you kidding???) I NEVER buy shit there. I slip something in my pocket and a small water bottle.

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What if everyone started refusing???? and then walked past them??? I don't think legally they can touch you or detain you without cause. Detain on suspicion??? maybe. Refuse to move from spot in front of Costco/WallMart w/e and certainly noy out of sight of the other customers. Scream 'illegal search!!!' Cops called to straighten it out and find nothing in the bag that wasn't paid for. Lines would back up while it's straightened out. Police time wasted for nothing, customers time wasted, everyone's time wasted.


Next day Costco/WallMart w/e changes policy. Well maybe not next day, or for one event, but if everyone took the time to resist this bullshit we could change the world.


Know what pisses me off. Paying too much to see a shitty move and not being allowed to bring in a candy bar or water. They can go fuck themselves. It costs more for shit from the concession stand that the movie. ($5 for $0.30 of popped corn??? Are you kidding???) I NEVER buy shit there. I slip something in my pocket and a small water bottle.

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Know what pisses me off. Paying too much to see a shitty move and not being allowed to bring in a candy bar or water. They can go fuck themselves. It costs more for shit from the concession stand that the movie. ($5 for $0.30 of popped corn??? Are you kidding???) I NEVER buy shit there. I slip something in my pocket and a small water bottle.



 Cinemas here tried that and it was stopped by legislation relating to anti-competition. 


Can take almost anything bar hot takeaway food and alcohol in now.

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