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Are SU carbs worth it?

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I recently purchased a 1971 510 wagon with Z therapy SU carbs. The wagon was taken care of and babied. I am in the process of fine tuning these carbs and just doing general maintenance to the wagon so that its a dependable daily driver. I really want to get this wagon as close as I can to stock (interior, suspension, wheels, gauges etc) and it be my daily vehicle. Should Iconsider swapping out the SU's to just a more simple single carb set up or are SU carbs worth the maintenance for a wagon thats sole purpose will be to a dependable daily driver? I know there are a lot of experienced and respected 510 drivers and builders on this forum, I would really like to hear your opinions.
Thanks again!

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Well, a stock Hitachi down draft in good shape and tune can also be very dependable. The good thing is that there is only half as many carbs to have problems with. :) SUs are way cooler looking, sound better and run better performance wise. I think for a dependable driver I would go with the down draft carb, but only because I'm more familiar with it. If you know SUs then you would be more comfortable than me.   

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I think su's are the best balance between reliability, tune-ability, price, performance etc... For a daily, esp in area with harsh climate I would go SU's all day. Constant velocity have got to be one of the best carb designs ever. 
That said my Z isnt a daily and I am way happier since going with dcoe's lol. Harder to tune, need more attention but WAY more fun. I will never go back.

So point is worth it or not depends on your goals. I think SU's fit yours...

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I would keep the SUs if they are servicable, and as they are from Z therapy, they likely are.

It took me all of 10 minutes to adjust my SUs from them, they are awesome.

I don't hear about problems with SUs very often, but I am always hearing about issues with down draft carbs, consider yourself lucky you have Z therapy carbs, as they are expensive and very well built.

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