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SR / KA / Z and L series Engine positions.


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Everyone knows there is a different position that the L series and the Z and KA motors are mounted at. The L series is leaning about 11-12 degrees to the right of vertical, while the Z and the KA series is almost the same amount to the left of vertical. (roughly 20 degrees difference between)


Now I've never seen a RWD SR moto,r (or tranny) so my question is: How are the SR motors mounted angle wise in the engine bay? 


Are they the same as the Z or KA series motors?


If they are the same tilt to the left as the KA, does anyone know if a KA transmission will bolt up to an SR????? Same bolt pattern???

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If they are the same tilt to the left as the KA, does anyone know if a KA transmission will bolt up to an SR????? Same bolt pattern???



Def aren't the same bolt pattern. 





And looking at pics of mounting angle, it does have a tilt to the left.  Not positive on degrees but I have seen 15* quoted a few times.


Looking at the oil pan it's noticeable:



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First thank-you for the fast replies.



SR engines tilt to the driver side a bit.  The trans from a KA will work if you swap the front case/ bell-housing.


Then so would an L series but still wondering if the tilt to the left is the same as the KA or just close.


My SR came with a KA transmission on it. I can get some pics if you want.


Does the KA shifter sit vertical? Is it tilted slightly? Do you think the SR sits at the same angle as a KA?




Found a picture of both... they 'look' close but not sure. 




edit: lulz. Thanks Kisor. OK then, they may sit at the same engine angle but def. not the same bolt pattern.

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Remember the RB series engines have nearly identical bolt patters to the KA and L series.  The RB20** used the same series transmissions too.  They also tilt to the left about the same 10-15* as KA and SR. 


Quote from pic source:




"With the magic of television, I overlay them:


SMT798B is KA
SMT534A is RB

There's the bolt on the right that the KA has that the RB doesn't, as Juls rightly pointed out, but they look pretty close.  Oh well, don't know for sure.  I am reminded of E series and GA series, they also differ in this way, the E has a bolt on the right that the GA doesn't, but they interchange, I have physically examined a GA bolted to an E gearbox, so I'm not relying on my eyes for that one.

Regarding the L/RB thing, I thought there also was a couple of different bolts on there, but you could either lose one bolt or gain another to change, but I don't trust my memory on that one anymore."



Another useful thing may be the shifter location differences in the KA/SR and RB.  The RB20** trans has the shifter moved forward about 15mm. 



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