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SR20det's running out at suppliers ,got a clip the other day

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My supplier has only like three s14s left and says he will not get alot in next container comming, I got one of two s13s he had, I took the red top due to the black top had a boost controller and looked more beat , my vendor even started my motor , he says compression is one thing but alot have bad rod bearings so he started as you see it without a intercooler ,so you can hear it run ,kind of cool but price is a rising soon ,maybe east coast and Texas has some for better prices but then you must ship ,anyway 2300 as you see it and I will anounce customers swap job here when I start soon !Speedo said 44000 kilos if it was stock dash.DSCF3053.jpg Santa was good to someone !

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So what you are saying is that americans are not willing to pay for the SRs? That would explain why the SoCal distributors are importing less SRs. They were made into the 2000s in Japan (at least until 2007, maybe longer), so seems unlikely the source is drying up. But certainly the demand is reduced, due to the world recession.

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 Americans are spending less on toys. Also US Dollar is falling in value, making other currencies more profitable. Japanese exporters can make more money sending engines all over Asia, South America , Europe and Oz/NZ than sending engines to US only to have them sit and rot.  Africa is another good market because there are no motor/ enviromental regulations and engines can be fitted in about any car w/o violating any laws.  The result is a supply that is not overkill, but not sufficient either, but bellow maintenance levels within US.


 It is not that americans are not willing to pay for SR's, in general americans are not willing to spend money period, while other parts of the world are telling suppliers, bring those engines over here, we will pay you more. The few americans that are willing to spend will have to wait more and pay more as well.


 Also, as the world demands more engines because of more economic growth overseas, what was once a specific US, perhaps AU and NZ market has become global. Japan is a small nation physically speaking, and it can only supply so many engine numbers, fewer engines ( in Japan ) , more buyers/bidders ( all over the planet ) and economic recession in US has consequences. The weak point is the US market. Supply will move over to the strong markets. 


 Add to that the Tsunami disaster and the thousands of vehicles lost, grey days ahead. 

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