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tub question

REdsun REstore

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hi guys


i am planning to swap a KC in place for my rusty long base regular cab. the question is, will it bolt right in? can i use short base tub or do i need to shorten long base tub instead?


Welcome to Ratsun  B)


You are starting with a regular cab/longbox frame, correct?

Basicly a regular cab/longbox frame is a kingcab frame, so all you will have to do is cut the front mounts off the frame for the longbox, and bolt the kingcab cab on the frame, but you will have to find a kingcab box, as that is the only box that will mount on there without modification.

I re-read your post, I don't know if the short box is long enough, but you can shorten your longbox by about 16 inches, but if you can get the kingcab box from the same place your getting the kingcab cab, you would save yourself a lot of work.


I put a kingcab/longbox together, but I had to lengthen the frame 16 inches, the e-brake doesn't like the extension.


This is my kingcab/longbox dually.


You could also just make a flatbed.

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thank you wayno for the warm welcome.


yes, i have regular cab + longbox combo but the box itself opens from sides too (standard for Malaysian delivered trucks).

i can source boxes like yours (long and short) but not KC box. my KC cab that i bought is a CKD unit from japan without a box.


if the short boxes are shorter by 16 inch from long ones, will i have any issues bolting it to my frame?

nice trucks you got there wayno!

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thank you wayno for the warm welcome.


yes, i have regular cab + longbox combo but the box itself opens from sides too (standard for Malaysian delivered trucks).

i can source boxes like yours (long and short) but not KC box. my KC cab that i bought is a CKD unit from japan without a box.


if the short boxes are shorter by 16 inch from long ones, will i have any issues bolting it to my frame?

nice trucks you got there wayno!


There are 5 differant sized boxes made for these trucks, there is the


regular cab, short box, 1980 threw early 1983

regular cab, short box, early 1983 threw 1986.5


regular cab, long box, 1980 threw early 1983

regular cab, long box, early 1983 threw 1986.5


and the kingcab with the kingcab box


the regular cabs were lengthened in 1983, and the boxes were shortened, at least in the USA, I don't know about the rest of the world.


I do not know what boxes you have access to, and I don't  beleave anything will bolt up to your frame without modifiction except a kingcab box, I don't know if the short box is long enough, and since your long box is a custom design, and likely un-modifiable, you will likely have to modify your frame to put it all together, by lengthening it, which will need a lot of measuring done before making any cuts to the frame.


Do you have any photos of your truck and custom box?

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