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Stuck Thermostat...... Possibly?


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Hello Ratsun,


So, last week, I got my suspension finally done.  After my car didnt run fr 2 months, (no crank for over 5 weeks), I was happy to get her on d ground & on the road. I had a bad battery so i kept the car running for at least, 30mins to let it charge. As i was parking the car in my garage, I noticed my heat temp is all the way to d top. I immediately turned off d car. I also noticed a lil white smoke coming out of the tailpipe & the engine was running hot. I let it cool down so i can check to see if the water pump was bad. No start. Battery was dead. Took it to pepboys for a charge. They advised me to get a battery soon.

Today, I dropped d same battery (was prolly good fro a few cranks), started the car to see if the waterpump was bad. Reved the car up a few times. Nope, it wasnt the waterpump as the water inside the radiator was spinning. Reved the car more & left d car running fr 30 mins to see how hot the car would get up to. Nothing. Also, no white smoke. The temp stayed between the 2 lines. I didnt want to drive the car around the block as I dont have any help pushing the car in case it stopped.



Could it possibly be a stuck thermostat was stuck b/c i didnt start the car for over a month?

Could I possibly be just imagining it?


Your thoughts?


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If there is any question replace the thermostat. They don't last for ever and a test in hot water may indicate it's fine but in fact might be randomly sticking. Spend $10 on a good one, this isn't something you can go cheap on like a tail light.



Next time the gauge goes up that high pull the yellow wire off the sender. If it drops to cold it's likely working fine. If the gauge still reads high the wire is pinched somewhere and is grounded.


Is the charge light on?

Fan belt tight?

Fan shroud on?

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Tested the car again. Started the car & let it ran for 20 mins then drove it around the blocks for another 10-15mins. The temp stayed w/ in the 2 lines on the temp gauge. Turned off the car & decided to wash her. After 15-20 mins, started the car again.  & this....


I emmidietely pulled the car into the garage. The fan is still running & the engine doesnt seem that hot & no white smoke.

Could it be a faulty wiring on the temp gauge or faulty temp gauge? Even w/ stuck thermostat it shouldnt be that hot right away especially after the car cooled off while being washed, correct?

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i would just spend the 10 bucks and buy a new thermostat. a friend had a fiero a couple years ago and he was having trouble with overheating. we pulled the thermostat out and it would overheat within minutes. my understanding is you dont want too much or too little coolant flow. too little and your not removing the heat, too much flow does not allow time for the heat to transfer to the coolant . spend the few bucks, replace the coolant with the proper ration of coolant and water and replace the thermostat. then move on to a faulty gage. if nothing else its good preventative maintenance.

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Every car will overheat once the motor and fan are turned off. The heat will rise for 10 min or so and then begin dropping. If you restart the motor the pump circulates cooler water through the motor and the gauge will drop right away. Or should. All my Datsuns run about 1/3 the way up between the two run lines. The hottest they ever get when driving is just under half way between the lines. When I shut off in the summer for a few minutes it goes to about 2/3 up the run range but drops like a stone when the motor starts.

If there is any question replace the thermostat. They don't last for ever and a test in hot water may indicate it's fine but in fact might be randomly sticking. Spend $10 on a good one, this isn't something you can go cheap on like a tail light.
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So, as i was replacing the thermostat, I found out the my 610 isnt running any. So, that rules out the possibility that the issue here is my thermostat. I know w/ this car you can run the car w/o the thermostat. But who knows how long this car is running w/o one. Could it be the sensor then?


Also, all the coolant are gone now. I dunno if its normal but all the coolant came off the thermostat housing instead of the hose? I cant remember the last time i replaced a thermostat. Mustve been 10+ yrs ago but is that normal?


Need a lil help? Thanks



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I will assume the radioator was full before you notice the over heaat proplem.


to test the gauge I think you just grond the wire(while key is ON) and thr gauge should read full.


does you gas gauge work ok also? sometimes the volt reg unit can be flacky and make both gauges misread.


Since the stat was revoved I assume previous owner knew soemthing was going on.


refill with water and ck the temp again and see if over heats.


maybe rad is plugged up

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You are doing a lot of guessing, but so far have not identified a cause. Stop guessing and test the radiator.


Radiator blocked? Do this simple test of the radiator flow:

* take off the lower hose of the radiator. Block it with your hand, and fill the radiator with plain water. Take your hand off and the water should gush out in as big a stream as the lower opening. If it runs out in a smaller stream, the radiator has blockage inside and should be replaced or repaired.


If it runs out in as big a stream as the lower opening, it's not blocked.

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So i just found out from Steve (owner before me) that the waterpump is fairly new. The owner before him rebuilt the engine in 2009 & had replaced the waterpump & timing. So far he has used only 10k miles & me less than 1k. The radiator, on d other hand,  is original. So i think its time to replace it.

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You are doing a lot of guessing, but so far have not identified a cause. Stop guessing and test the radiator.


Radiator blocked? Do this simple test of the radiator flow:

* take off the lower hose of the radiator. Block it with your hand, and fill the radiator with plain water. Take your hand off and the water should gush out in as big a stream as the lower opening. If it runs out in a smaller stream, the radiator has blockage inside and should be replaced or repaired.


If it runs out in as big a stream as the lower opening, it's not blocked.

yeah. this is what i had planned nxt

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Just noticed this...





In this picture.. what's that threaded thing behind the plug wire??


There should be an outlet that goes to a small metal pipe that goes down the front of the motor and connects to the water inlet to the pump.

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