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Built Not Bought

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As read on my Facebook today, pure awesomeness. Almost guaranteed all of us fall into one or more of the categories.


BUILT NOT BOUGHT across the "sceeene" is an ignorant mentality in general. We are going to attempt to clarify a few reasons as to why. Some people have the skills and tools to build their ride. Some guys have the cash to buy theirs. Some guys have the tools but lack the skills. Others have the skills but lack the tools. Some guys have no tools, no skills and no money but have awesome friends and family to help. Some guys have health issues that prohibit garage environments. Some guys have families or demanding jobs that inhibit being in the garage. Some builders are grateful that people buy these built rides as it allows for new projects and lends a nice vehicle for the non-builder to purchase. Some guys need to admit defeat and pay someone to build their ride while others need to quit their office job and build rides full time. Bottom line, there are thousands of scenarios within the two words: BUILT and BOUGHT. Somewhere between those words needs to be the phrase: Its mine! Not yours! After all, who are we to judge and criticize as our name isn't on the title nor does it reside in our garage. Pay respect to the owner and his passion while allowing the hate and nonsense to find its way to the trash can! This is NOT an invitation for a bash-fest, just a general post. Please take it for what it is. Thanks. ~The Coalition


Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hauʻoli Makahiki Hou



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