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A square peg in a round hole.


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In my latest quest to build a decent header for my truck,(1 3/4 primaries with a merged collector and a megaphone) I hit a wall while trying to make a smooth transition from square(ish) exhaust ports to round primary tubes. My first attempt was dismal at best, so I took a step back and made this.




Ya I know it looks like a hammer head, but watch this.










Look familiar?



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.....how did you get pics to post?  Doesn't seem to work with photobucket for the last couple of days.


Theres two things you should never ask my advice on. 1st is women, 2nd is computers,


It worked fine for me if I use internet explorer. Firefox, not so much.


My computer troubleshooting solution is the same for every problem.


1 Cuss loudly at screen while pounding on keyboard.

2 Yell at Candi and blame her for making it not work.

3 Get out of the way so she can fix it.


The truth is, I dont even have a computer. Candi has three. She's the nerd. As long as she keeps things REAL simple for me, nowone knows that I am a caveman.


 Skib, It would not be a problem to make some up for you, but I made them pretty big, and I dont know if they would work for you.

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