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joke's you know you got them

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ted nugent post this one..


went into a muslim book store was looking around when the owner came up and asked if he could help me find something.

i said yeah you know that new book by donald trump about deporting illegal immigrants. 

the store owner starts shout...GET OUT! GET OUT AND DONT COME BACK!

i said yeah thats the one do you have it in paper back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two blondes are in a river holding fishing poles with the lines in the water. A game warden comes up behind them, taps them on the shoulder and says, "Excuse me, ladies, I'd like to see your fishing licenses."

"We don't have any." replied the first woman.

"Well, if your going to fish, you need fishing licenses." said the game warden.

"But officer," replied the second girl, "we aren't fishing. All we have are magnets at the end of our lines and we're collecting debris off the bottom of the river."

The game warden lifted up the lines and, sure enough, there were horseshoe magnets tied on the end of each line. "Well, I know of no law against it," shrugged the game warden, "take all the debris you want." And with that, the game warden left.

As soon as he was out of sight, the women started laughing hysterically. "What a dumb Fish Cop! Doesn't he know that there are steelheads in this river?!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

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