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$375 W58 head for sale

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I have a W58 closed chamber head for sale. This is the steel lined round exhaust port head. The exhaust liners are in PERFECT shape. This is a very low mile head. So heres what was done to this head TODAY!!! Stock iron valve guides were measured with a bore gauge. Intakes are .0016-.0020Exhaust are .0018-.0022ALL were in damn near perfect shape so it was decided to leave them so we would not loose the seat concentricity on such a low mileage head. 3 Angle valve job was done on our Sunnen VG20C guide and seat machine New Intake AND Exhaust valves were installed (NOS) New inner AND outer valve springs were installed (NOS) New valve stem seals installed Valve heights were verified Head was surfaced on our Sunnen HBS-2100 New factory nissan stock camshaft installed (1977 L20B profile) Reconditioned rockers installed Valve lash has been COLD adjusted This is the perfect head for whoever is running a stock L20B engine The price is $375 outright or $300 with complete core exchange I also have an A87 head that I will be building this week. This a bone stock head that I will be changing the guides (bronze), valve grind, surface, new cam (270,280,or 290??) reconditioned rockers, new stem seals, maybe new valves depending on condition, I have a new set of Nissan comp springs with comp lash pads if needed. I will do some degree of a porting job??? Depending on the direction I take the head. If you are interested send me a message and I can build the head for your needs. Price will depend on the work I do. If I just build the head it will probobly be in the $600 range. I also have more L series engine parts and quite a few A series parts. Lightened flywheels, knife edged crankshafts, bearings, much more.... And of course I guarantee everything I sell.

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I have a W58 closed chamber head for sale. This is the steel lined round exhaust port head. The exhaust liners are in PERFECT shape. This is a very low mile head. So heres what was done to this head TODAY!!! Stock iron valve guides were measured with a bore gauge. Intakes are .0016-.0020Exhaust are .0018-.0022ALL were in damn near perfect shape so it was decided to leave them so we would not loose the seat concentricity on such a low mileage head. 3 Angle valve job was done on our Sunnen VG20C guide and seat machine New Intake AND Exhaust valves were installed (NOS) New inner AND outer valve springs were installed (NOS) New valve stem seals installed Valve heights were verified Head was surfaced on our Sunnen HBS-2100 New factory nissan stock camshaft installed (1977 L20B profile) Reconditioned rockers installed Valve lash has been COLD adjusted This is the perfect head for whoever is running a stock L20B engine The price is $375 outright or $300 with complete core exchange I also have an A87 head that I will be building this week. This a bone stock head that I will be changing the guides (bronze), valve grind, surface, new cam (270,280,or 290??) reconditioned rockers, new stem seals, maybe new valves depending on condition, I have a new set of Nissan comp springs with comp lash pads if needed. I will do some degree of a porting job??? Depending on the direction I take the head. If you are interested send me a message and I can build the head for your needs. Price will depend on the work I do. If I just build the head it will probobly be in the $600 range. I also have more L series engine parts and quite a few A series parts. Lightened flywheels, knife edged crankshafts, bearings, much more.... And of course I guarantee everything I sell.


Is the A87 head you have a closed chamber also?



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We have a long memory here....



Clearly he has more parts.... so he's here to dump them.... so fucking what? This dude does quality machine work, and sells good shit, and he sure as shit isn't he only dick around these forums, some just have been here longer and apparently don't have to follow every rule to the letter.

This place seems to be full of a bunch of fucking whiny girls who hold too damn many grudges sometimes :rolleyes:

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The A87 is spoken for. And you are right Mike I said that. I figured since this seemed to be a legit website for Datsun fans I would offer another part I had available. I was not aware that this must be a personnal lobby for your amusement? If you have an issue with me being here then ban me!!!! If not, then piss off and mind your own business.

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We have a long memory here....




1/ Replies WILL be limited to questions about the item for sale and 'reasonable offers'. All others will be removed at the moderators discretion.

2/ Negative comments about the item or the price WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. These will be removed and the member warned once or temp banned, totally at the moderators discretion. No excuses, no exceptions.

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I should hook you up with my ex wife, she can teach you some real names to call me. Ok so here it is........ Mike I appologize for ANYTHING I may have said OR any ATTITUDE I may have expressed in these forums. If I miss listed an ad I would greatly appreciate it if you could move such ads to the correct location within the website. Again I am deeply sorry for any hard feelings I may have caused......... I tell ya what let me be the bigger man and make it up to all the members I offended with my rants. RIGHT NOW TODAY I am going to give the first person to send me a pm ONE set (8) of fully reconditioned L-series rocker arms for $30 shipped within the U.S.... "Continental" please... This is an exchange price so I will need 8 cores shipped back to me. So for about $36 youwill get a reconditioned set of rockers.... IM GONNA CALL THIS THE ""Datzenmike special.......I will try do a Datzenmike special once a month...........


Tell ya what Im gonna do two Datzenmike specials today only........ The second person to pm me will get a NOS set of stock valve springs shipped (continental U.S.)

for $20...........


WOW what a deal......lets all thank Datzenmike for the getting the Datzenmike special started.................





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Thanks Wifey.Very kind comments on my work. Anything I can ever do to help just let me know.


You're welcome. You've done great work for us and been more than helpful and generous with everything that's been worked on throughout the time that we've known you.... and yes, you're right, I did call you a dick :D

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You're welcome. You've done great work for us and been more than helpful and generous with everything that's been worked on throughout the time that we've known you.... and yes, you're right, I did call you a dick :D



OK as long as we are clear on that. I would hate to think someone I didnt know was calling me a dick.

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