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What do you guys think????


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  1. 1. To Buy Or Not To Buy

    • Should i go for it?
    • Should i wait to see if another 510 pops up?
    • Too much money..

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Im thinking of buying a 510 but not sure if the prices is too much. its a 69 2dr. car looks very good and in nice condition. the only thing im worried about is the price and the vinyl top. i zoomed in the picture the guy send me and it looks like the vinyl top has small bubbles. could it be rust on the roof? or air?? the guy had it on craigslist for 7k but lowered it to 4k. i know the sidemarkers are from an earlier 510 but thats ok with me. let me knwo what you guys think.. maybe zoom in on the roof to see if you can see the bubbles.















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Cool Dime !!!


My opinion is ,,, vinyl top = almost always is rust under ,,,


especially if an older car ungaraged/stored :unsure: ,,, leaky roof/waterseals = more damage/work ,,, then leads onto sometimes ! maybe ok IDK ? ( my seals leak on my zcar so it's not like Im trying to be a dick ,,, just a realist :) )


MAybe some body-men on here can chime in ,,, :D


I wouldn't let it stop you from getting the car if you truly want it/have the skills to remedy this ,,,, not like more of them are going to be around in the future :)


4,000 ? hmmmmmmm......... need more oics/features posted ?

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Ahh shit... those bumps are right near the lip of the windows. That's never a good sign.


Try poking at the bumps; if they feel crumbly, they're rust most likely.


IF you have the means to fix the rust, then I'd say offer $3250 if everything else looks good. See if he'll let you pull up some of the carpet, crawl under the car, etc.

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Ahh shit... those bumps are right near the lip of the windows. That's never a good sign.


Try poking at the bumps; if they feel crumbly, they're rust most likely.


IF you have the means to fix the rust, then I'd say offer $3250 if everything else looks good. See if he'll let you pull up some of the carpet, crawl under the car, etc.


listen closely to this guy. he obviously is a way better buyer than i was. i bought the car before i went over it with a fine toothed comb, and found more rust than i first realized, but i have no regrets because i paid 150 for mine but this is a bigger deal.

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I never trust the vinyl tops, with all the rust that can be under there. Every 510 my dad ever got he peeled that shit off.



Every car i've seen with those tops, usually have giant ass rust holes around the bottoms. and a lot more hidden underneath. id peel them off too.

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I worked at GM during the mid '70s when the Landau top was the rage. You know that half vinyl covered roof on cars? No? Well that's because it was an OK idea at the time but in practice, very poorly done and the cars never survived to today. I worked in the paint booth when they came in and there was a robotic overhead spray gun to apply primer to the metal roofs. When a Landau option came along I was to push a button and the sprayer would only prime the front half of the roof where the regular paint would go on. Everyone there shook their heads about this as the car would be built with vinyl covering bare steel. All to save a few cents of primer and paint. I still shake my head the few rare times I see a '74 Chevvy with a bubbly roof with the vinyl peeling off. (haven't seen one for twenty years)



What a pimp mobile!!!



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Ahh shit... those bumps are right near the lip of the windows. That's never a good sign.


Try poking at the bumps; if they feel crumbly, they're rust most likely.


IF you have the means to fix the rust, then I'd say offer $3250 if everything else looks good. See if he'll let you pull up some of the carpet, crawl under the car, etc.



overall it looks very clean, but do as hardwyre recommends before biteing the bullet

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