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720 pick up parts????

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I have the following parts for sale. They came with a HL510 that I bought. The seller said he got them when buying parts for this car and that they were from an early 80's Datsun pick up. I would love to get these out of my garage so if the price isn't right make me an offer. All are + shipping from Glendale, Az 85308. Pics are available for all items. You can post here, pm or email me at az240z@hotmail.com. Paypal is the preferred payment method.




1. nap z 5 spd tranny with shifter, fork , flex plate and throw out bearing. $75.




2.Heater core and a/c evaporator. This is in 2 sections and section 2 has this number on a sticker 27110 06W10 $50.00 sold



3. Nap z valve cover $15.00




4. power steering pump Shows model # 48511010W00 $25.00




5. A/C compressor Shows Nihon Radiator 92600 09W00 $25.00




6. Starter with positive cable and connector $20.00




7. 2 Hubs “AUTOMATIC” free running $40.00




8. clutch and pressure plate in excellent condition $50.00




9. flywheel $25.00




10. Battery and oil pressure gauges $25.00

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My link pic of one side of tranny:


This looks like a short (26") 4x4 transmission. There will be no speedometer drive in it.








Are you taking the engine apart/not using it?


Interested in some Z20 flat top pistons.


To use the flattop Z20E pistons you will need the rods that are on them too.


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