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What NOT to do during a drought.

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Having personally done this before (with water hose and fire extinguisher on hand), I can tell you that the only way it will actually ignite is if you start a small fire a few feet away.


Even tried armor peircing incendiary rounds and tracers.. lots of boom and stink, but no fire unless the ignition source is 5-20 feet away.


....I DIDN'T do it during the worst drought in memory when there were burn bans in every county for 200 miles.

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am I the only one that lol'ed at "Newman said the cooler and beer will now be examined, and will be held as evidence."


I believe that was actually the line where I spit a little, and said "Oh, Ratsun HAS to see this"

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i was doing this in northern Arizona recently, worked out GREAT. huh.gif


Just curious, what were you shooting with? A friend and I tried it shortly before Mythbusters. As said, we started with standard ball ammo from a .223. Progressed through his ammo stash using everything from depleted Uranium, to tracers, to armor peircing incendiary. No bullet would light it. Even setting a fire next to the can prior to shooting didn't work initially. The rush of propane displaced the oxygen putting out the fire. Finally worked when we moved the ignition flame a few feet away from the propane canister. We used small Coleman canisters meant to be used with a propane lantern. Teenagers playing with fire and guns. Fun stuff, but I wouldn't recomend it. I guessed that the guys who started this forest fire ran into the same issues and didn't take the precautions we did.


Young and dumb... etc.





HAHA! just watched the news..... get it now... Aparently Ya'll gots you some fire troubles too.

Never thought I'd say it, but DAMNIT we need a hurricane.

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When I was a CSAR in the Navy I had disabled a few armored vehicles with depleted uranium, most of the secondary explosions were from shells going off. That stuff is nasty, I would have to wear a rad badge and have a physical with blood work every month.

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