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i hate these.

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HAHAHA god the replies made my morning! I'm tempted to just post more stupid crap just to read what you guys post.

LOL, hey look a newbie with thick skin.

Welcome to ratsun, you'll do just fine around here.

but think about what your doing before you make a tread.

if you want to post random shit do it here http://community.ratsun.net/topic/17614-insomniacs-20/
















or here http://community.ratsun.net/topic/18386-not-another-indy-thread-ka710-and-l18510/page__p__255340__hl__%2Bnot+%2Banother+%2Bindy+%2Bthread__fromsearch__1#entry255340 :lol: :lol:

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Hahaha, this thread is awesome. I've actually been wearing these off an on for a few years now. Have you tried them? They actually make a lot of sense, and are very very comfortable. Also, they are terrible for rock climbing; soles are too thin and they let your foot flex way too much. They are wonderful for walking/standing/running around in. I use a standing desk for work (I own a company that designs and builds software), and these are the perfect shoes for that. Oh! And also, I do get laid, and in fact have gotten laid after meeting women when they have asked about these shoes, so if they have any sexual side effects, they are beneficial - at least for my area of the country. I would not wear them in Alabama, but in civilized places, they are appreciated (that comment was approved by my Alabaman biz partner).


There's also a cool story behind the "barefoot shoe" movement too: http://www.livingbarefoot.info/2009/05/the-painful-truth-about-trainers-are-running-shoes-a-waste-of-money/



But I certainly appreciate people's opinions and their right to have them, so fire away.



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Those look like they'd be good for rock climbing.,,,


HAHAHA, when I first saw this thread I was gonna say how I agreed, especially when people TRY to use them for rock climbing. Being an avid climber, when I see somebody wearing these it automatically labels them as a gumby (noob, chode, etc.)


So Patra, I totally agree with you!

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im sure they are comfortable but man i just can't stand them. Snuggies and pajamas are comfortable too but I don't want to see people wearing them to work at the office. plus, i've had like 4 cups of coffee so far. I saw someone in a business suit and these toesy shoes. If you're gonna rock a suit, just fucking commit and wear some shoes that look good with a suit. wearing a suit and tie is a sacrifice you pay to the working world, you can't sidestep it by wearing foot gloves.

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