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1977 620 Series Datsun $1500.00

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This is a 1977 620 series Datsun Pickup for sale for $1500.00. The body paint, brakes, tires, and shocks are 4 years old. 3 year old Weber carburetor. The wiring under the hood, the coil, and spark plug cables are 2.5 years old. Fuel filter and spark plugs 1 year old.


Odometer is at 300 (hundred, not thousand). It just recently rolled over and has probably rolled over once before. So at least 100k miles, maybe 200k.


Things of note-


There is start button under the dash that goes directly to the starter. When I first owned the truck the ignition would sometimes not start the truck, so I had the button installed to bypass this problem. This problem is rare. The start button does not work without a key, so, theft from this source is not an issue.


There are three keys to this truck; one for the driver door, one for the passenger door, and one for the ignition.


The rearview mirror is not the original and I do not have the original.


The speedometer is fast by approximately ten MPH. If it says 65, you

Edited by cheetah79857985
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