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Test Your Datsun Knowledge: What is this Tach From?

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Well I picked up this tach from a garage sale for $4. It said it was a Datsun Z tach. Looking at pics it doesn't appear to be a Z tach.. but I did some very quick research so I may be wrong. So now i'm asking you folks if you've seen this kind of tach before. It looks Datsun, so I don't think it is out of something else.. just can't figure out what its for...






Thanks. :D



One more Clue, it has "4CYL" stamped on it. I would guess that narrows it down a bit?

Edited by Gensaiken
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Kanto Seiki built all the Datsun tachs I've seen, so it probably is a Datsun.


Yeah, the name looked familiar and there is also a very smudgy datsun hamburger on the back so I figured it was some sort of datsun. Some one would likely want a tach. :D



With the lights built into it, i would say a later model...like late 70's or maybe early 80's.


possibly, but the early 70's 510's and Z's also had the lights built in to them as well.

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