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    85 720 2wd, 89 ka-t 240sx, 90 300zx, 76 260z
  • Interests
    Computers, cars, Turbos, Curved roads

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  1. I'm not sure i haven't installed the dash nor cluster yet if you have extra working clusters could i buy one if this one doesn't work ?
  2. Hey guys got a parts truck 85 as well but its 4wd. My truck is 2wd and doesn't have a good dash or cluster the parts truck does issue is its a bit different how can I make the cluster and dash work with the rpm gauge as well ? Im also using the dash and all kinds of parts please let me know https://imgur.com/a/McQKgh9
  3. I’ve got a whole new double timing chain kit with a new cam sprocket. The sprocket has 3 numbers on it. Which do i use, 2 is in the middle while 1,3 are on sides. Please let me know as i’m currently doing this. I’m gonna line the bottom colored timing piece to the dot just the cam has 3 dots and i don’t know what to do.
  4. well it was pretty rough got it with a title and keys for 400 bucks. Mileage is 77k parked in 1980 sat in a field ever since its yellow, automatic but looks solid holes on driver floor pan, both fenders and rockers. I think I might try to start it and sell it what's the best course of action to sell and get the most money I can out of it doesn't have to be asap but I'm gonna clean it all out and see how bad it is after. Here she is https://imgur.com/a/BuKr8yK
  5. sounds good ill let you know i think ill just end up flipping it
  6. Getting the chance to buy a 74 620 pickup tomorrow for about 1000 don't think it runs she mentions its in good condition I'm a junk or collector of rare cars and trucks so i haven't actually seen it yet but as she describes it, " Haven't taken any pics of the truck yet, its not in bad shape don't think its had any accident's. Has some surface rust most is just surface little actual been awhile since I took pics" this is either gonna be a great buy slash quick flip. Or a rusted piece of junk the nice woman lives near me and is in estate houses and this truck was there. Comes with keys and a title ill update tomorrow or Wednesday if I buy it and its not that bad I may just quick flip it or sell it after some work. Don't think it starts so give me some info on them and what to do first. Thanks !
  7. thanks a bunch man ill check the parts stores so just get a new one for my 85 at the parts stores ?
  8. okay ill wait for summer for those what about a new or used radiator ?
  9. Looking to get a new radiator or used I don't care don't wanna spend 300 to 200 like online where could I find a good used one or newish one ? Also on the hunt for I guess a used or new ac compressor though I want used bc why do I wanna spend 300 bucks on a new one in the winter 😕 If I'm going to wait a while before I install a new or used compressor how can I just delete the current setup temporarily
  10. I'm fully committed honestly nothing could turn me at this point and I'm proud of it thank you for being nice. I just hope anyone else who reads my comment takes it the way i expressed it on here. Much love !
  11. I understand your points in the threads and don't necessarily disagree or agree. Personally I'm striving to be a devoted Christian, now you don't have to listen nor respond if this is irrelevant but I feel better including myself on the religious talks in here. Now I might not be 40 or be some bigger member here I think that God as a whole has made me a better person and provided more love to me. I'm nicer as a whole more respectful and I feel better about my actions as a whole. I've been through multiple hardships such a tragic almost fatal loss in the family, sure depression and so on. After I started trying to live and be better for my God life unfolded and I really haven't looked back to how I was or how life was going. This isn't some story to make any of you be like "wow I must follow Christ" its just my side of a unknown world. If you did read this thank you for your time, no matter how or what you believe in I will try my hardest to treat you with kindness, love and respect.
  12. sent u a message on ur page ur gonnnaaa laugh sooo hard
  13. so uh found the issue those videos was the engine running did a compression test and 3 and 4 cylinders had 25 and the front two had 155 so i guess time for a tare down ! Honestly im glad its this so now i can finally rest without knowing what it was
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