I understand your points in the threads and don't necessarily disagree or agree. Personally I'm striving to be a devoted Christian, now you don't have to listen nor respond if this is irrelevant but I feel better including myself on the religious talks in here. Now I might not be 40 or be some bigger member here I think that God as a whole has made me a better person and provided more love to me. I'm nicer as a whole more respectful and I feel better about my actions as a whole. I've been through multiple hardships such a tragic almost fatal loss in the family, sure depression and so on. After I started trying to live and be better for my God life unfolded and I really haven't looked back to how I was or how life was going. This isn't some story to make any of you be like "wow I must follow Christ" its just my side of a unknown world. If you did read this thank you for your time, no matter how or what you believe in I will try my hardest to treat you with kindness, love and respect.