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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Fucking Ted bought an early Hemi powered car 1955(??) the other day,, but i got no pictures. Gotta figure out what he want to trade for it now.. .
  2. I just noticed your rear license plate lights are exactly the same as the ones on Doodies 510.. .
  3. Define,,,,,, "runner" 😜 Jeremy Tuttle delivered to my house for $400. and something Apparently CT specialties powdercoating is like Arnold's on happy days .. To cheap to change the sign. Working on figuring out how to make a Facebook event thing-a-ma-bob to announce on there this time.. I mostly only do facebook if someone tells me to be on there ,, which is quite a bit lately ,, but still not that familiar with buttons
  4. Because I can just as easily answer the 14 " still for sale?" questions all at once on PC after dinner,
  5. Hey man,, , George Carlin milked that 7 dirty words for 30 damn years
  6. Our water tastes fine if you are drinking out of garden hose on side of house... You put that shit in a glass,,, it's like frogs pissed in it and left it in the hot sun for a couple days. Just filter it you say?? Well the iron in there , chews through water filters like a 1971 Cadillac empties a gas tank doing 75 up a mountain pass.
  7. the discount is less than the taxes they take now.. sad face . .
  8. It's a good start ,, and price,, is really a thing you have to over look any more.. Times they have-a changed.. You should think of getting it going enough to make the Capt Testicles,,, it's kinda a secret,, but a few of us are leaning towards a ,,, wobble that fucker in, hooty-fest .. i haven't even went and licenced the crapload i'm going to try and get there in... Yeah it's only 10 miles and we are bringing ropes just in case.. lol Fats "new" rig that he's driving , .lol
  9. Knob only has 4 numbers .. zoomed in on the one oic. .
  10. My take on this no plastic bags,, paper straws shit... I am all for it ,, BUT every state that goes to it HAS TO use their fucking trees ie cut down in that state ,,, and ONLY use paper made or recycled in paper / pulp mills in their fucking state. it's easy to have an environmental hardone if the horrifying smell and pollution of a pulp mill or deforestation has no effect on where you are at all . ,
  11. So for some reason we been eating way to much frozen pizza lately.. Had a Mad Mike's and it was pretty good size and tasty. AA++ would trade again . Female bought some from Costco the other day ( 4 pack) and i just cooked for twins.. Very much resemble Tony's pizza from the early 80s ,, tiny but cheap and a ton of pepperonis . FYI i hate their take and bake ,, crust tastes like paper So there you go .
  12. Was driving around going from eatery to eatery all day enjoying the day with the wife unit and twins... if it matters, I'm Heywood Jackson on the facebook. .
  13. As you should,, that piece of shit needs the road.. /
  14. they still looked like Jackie Chan cars when i graduated
  15. He talks because it's a comedy/video/blog show and needs filler cuz clip is short.... There is a straight through video posted on the Yangtube. Sigmanfrood : Trying to analyze every thing a bunch of people are thinking ,, who are only looking for mental escapism by posting funny pictures on an online orphan car website. (1.) (1) American Dental Society .pg352 : p3 .
  16. Lizard mobile been bouncin off shit ,,, yo. /
  17. those chicks fucked up! Chick sat up and he starts bashing her in the head some more,,,, fuck yeah. .
  18. My buddy Mike rebuilt a 67 GTO 4speed but got seriuosly fucked on an engine rebuild so i gave him a 455 i had been tripping over since forever.. He had that rebuild with all the mean shit the first guy was supposed to use in first engine.. Came over to show me.. Upon leaving he punched it straight out of driveway,, took out of here,, got squirly ,, still slammed 2nd and posi caught and it bounced about 2 1/2 feet towards opposite side ditch,, stood solidly on brakes locking them up just before edge of fog line then regrouped and punched it again off down the road ( probably out of embarrassment ) . .. he left the weirdest set of burnie marks ever
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