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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. been a cloud over "canby" for a couple years wondering if the last one was going to be the last one... There is a genuine excitement in the air for next years show again, and it feels good . Real good .
  2. Interlude Chris-craft insides The dude we asked to walk with us said this was one guys collection.. Under that mini semi posted earlier..
  3. I kinda screwed up getting pics for CT meet awhile go,, but got picture taking machine working again... Sorry but was dinking around pretty hard Sunday so only got a couple from then if you were there only that day. in no order
  4. Sweet ,, really nice editing ,, honestly thought i would see that yellow chevy fullsize sneeked into the middle somewhere. Ok i'll do it got dang ut
  5. Have you checked the valve clearance ,, that will make it run like a pig under load big time... And other than if you want to replace valve cover gasket ,,, it's free. .
  6. Draker got a few but this one for example.. Keep in mind there is a couple spread out behind him in this picture. Most went to hotels so pretty quiet but as if you look squint real hard at this pic there is Phil's BMW parked waaaay over to the left in this picture .. There was a Orange 620 camping in a grassy area about 20-30 feet farther over than that.. The picture of Fat's A10 parked next to tractor is just to the right of this picture ,, those things made up that whole right corner (just out of pic) you could pitch a tent very close to them . Remember back about 5 years ago ( before the shrinking parking thing) new campers would ask about camping and such and old timers like Skib would simply say "Dude,, don't worry about it just get yourself there" Well that's the answer again. Probably a lot less stupid shenanigans are going to happen though, as there are a couple caretakers in golf carts that don't take no shit roaming around all night .. As for late night adulting without stupid shit ,, one visited with us at Casa el Popup ( pictured) at past 12am and was very nice to us,, just checking up on our Costco propane fire pits and such. AA++ will trade again.
  7. Ooooo Kay ,, settle down there hobo queen of the drama,, it was just a way of saying it that was easy i didn't know it would have to be screened for accuracy by the CIA
  8. The first celica with the weird body kit is a Mercury capri.. some asshat sent this out in our local group text.
  9. IMGUR is being weird ,, put a bunch of pictures in a couple albums but show albums are empty.. but as you can see ,, the aren't .
  10. Where?? i looked in ratsub,, nwd ,, D parts and needs,,, Link me brother
  11. Jrock would probably steal it like my window stickers .
  12. Sounds a little cramped,,, It's cool though,, my redheaded boy doesn't do direct sunlight either. / .
  13. Post that pic story with the spring board thing showing strut breakdown,, it's quite informational if you're a new guy.. For what it's worth,, I used a "real" compressor but the info is still valid. ps You probably got weird request as i wasn't logged in .
  14. I hope you're not thinking of sending out selfies of your co-pilot like Tristin did.. . .
  15. bananahamuck


    if owner originally paid $2600. ( at auction) plus say $1000. shipping from Orange California,, to Illinois, he really isn't "cashing in" asking $4950. Would i haggle him so hard, and often he wishes he never put car up for sale... you bet your ass.. I would definitely bring a business card refrigerator magnet with you when you go look at it again.. in search of thick bondo covered parts of body. Disclaimer i really only hate 710s marginally more than 77-79 200sx so my opinion isn't based on being a fan of car,, but everything nice has gotten pretty spendy these days. I would assume shipping was a fair bit more than $1000. but that's just a even number. . .
  16. Our group is rolling down Saturday morning for a couple days.. But we will be driving Datsuns if that's ok.. . . . .
  17. New oil ,, gasket set,, antifreeze ,, water pump and timing chain ( fix it once or use all unknown parts and fix it twice) would easily be close to $200. clams... and IF all the parts are in fact all there.. And me personally would put back together with head studs,, which would be considerably higher cost If i had a Z24 laying around maybe , If you want a Toyota 4x4 , trading for a Toyota would probably be better in my opinion .
  18. Every summer we can rent a cottage In the Isle of Wight, if it's not too dear We shall scrimp and save Grandchildren on your knee Vera, Chuck and Dave
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